A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
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- February 06, 2025 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis< General > <> Weaken effects and Poison effects were added a few ideas about their mechanics within their description. > This is yet to be added in an actualy description box. <> Added a new kind of... Continue reading
- January 05, 2025 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis01.12 - 31.12.2024 < Mini Effects > <> Motivation (Utility) also grants Effect Resistance per stack. < General redesign > <> Further corrected keyword colors in older effects. <> Started removing unne... Continue reading
- December 06, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis01 - 30.11.2024 <> Wrote the properties for extra healing received and granted for all characters in the algorithm. <> Added properties for immunity towards Weaken effects and the duration of it, as w... Continue reading
- November 05, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis01 - 31.10.2024 <> This was an annoying and tiring month, felt burnt out through at least half, my ill mom kept calling me on and on, last week of my holidays (spare days) were a mess, barely much sle... Continue reading
- October 06, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisCouldn't finalise the playable Warrior's properties, but I did a lot of changes and rearranging of files and how things are gonna be taken into account later on, when I start creating the AI. 01.09.20... Continue reading
- September 05, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisAfter 2 weeks of lethargy due to multitasking constantly for like 4 months or so before, I did get some good progress, even if the change log isn't probably looking like great changes (yet again, I am... Continue reading
- August 01, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisA much bigger set of changes, finalised all characters' skill sets (main characters). Below is just a BIG chunk of the changes done. It took long, it was boring, at times even painful, part of the cha... Continue reading
- July 04, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis<> RULE: Casting abilities that last 1 Phase grants their effect during the next Phase, since 1 Phase is needed for their cast. > They shouldn't be able to be cast during Main Phase 3, since they woul... Continue reading
- June 16, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisAnother small update, focused mainly on changing and rechanging new characters' skill sets. Am a bit confused about what they will end up as, but at least their kits start making some more sense. <> R... Continue reading
- June 02, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis<> RULE: All units generate 1 Token on using Attacks. Tokens are needed when Consuming effects from foes (Consumable effects). <> All units gain Utility Points (by default: 1 / Phase). This will be th... Continue reading
- May 19, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisContinued to take rest, have been busier this month, however I did quite some things and am slowly shaping the protagonist's helper characters' ability sets. <> Further changes to main map and slight... Continue reading
- May 01, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisTHOUGH THIS LOOKS LIKE A SMALL LIST OF CHANGES... 1. I took a lot more spare time this month, since I really needed it, I felt super tired and had holidays, so I enjoyed some spare time. 2. Many of th... Continue reading
- April 01, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis16.03 - 31.03.2024 < MAP 1 CHANGES > <> Removed a redundant event that would use the same switch as other events and caused lag due to a lack of wait timer. > Also fixed issue where there was lag at t... Continue reading
- March 15, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis* Took long breaks from time to time, changes are far more plentiful, but it's tiring to write each and every change, especially if I make several in a row to the same effect / event, etc. * 18.02 - 1... Continue reading
- March 15, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis* All these changes, changes of changes and later tweaks are becoming tiring to write in these notes, future ones will be significantly shorter * 05 - 18.02.2024 <> Added properties to each minor foe... Continue reading
- February 09, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisSorry for such a delay, I just kept forgetting, and I also had work and things to handle. Still, here is the main changes performed during this 2 weeks: 25 - 04.02.2024 <> Looking to make an algorithm... Continue reading
- January 24, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis// sorry for the delay, I took extra 2 days to finalise the Fanatic's skills and apply all the properties to the game correctly (made a lot of mistakes in time, since my brain feels kinda super bored... Continue reading
- January 07, 2024 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisDelayed this for 1 extra week because this year I finally feel more energic and willing to work more on my project. While this may look like small changes, there was a huge number of things to do on p... Continue reading
- December 19, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis<> Healing Nature had its text corrected and also was added the "in range 1" clause for player to know. <> Looked through the effects of Auras and Combo Field combinations, performing several changes... Continue reading
- November 26, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis13 - 26.11.2023 - might look like a very short description, but it was all condensed into short descriptions. This major step's finalisation was such a piss. < Mini Effect changes > <> Rewriting most... Continue reading
- November 12, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis31.10 - 12.11.2023 <> Added 2 new Mini Effects: Enfeebled (Debuff) and Purity (Buff). <> Celerity can now affect a target once per round, so as to avoid any spamming of it. It will harden AI coding, b... Continue reading
- October 30, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis16 - 30.10.2023 <> Created 10 more new minor foes. Will work on their skill sets. All stats for these foes were set (not in game, only on design Excel). <> Previous ones will have skill sets adjusted... Continue reading
- October 16, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisWorking on the final part of design before restarting the coding and rearrangement of the project. Since I feel everything will be changed from ground up. Need to finish one last Excel spreadsheet dat... Continue reading
- October 02, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis19.09.2023 - 01.10.2023 - this time they are very minimalistically written. Yes, changes are many and I don't have the time to write each effect change. Especially since they are still under thought... Continue reading
- September 18, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis06 - 18.09.2023 - these are just a bit of the changes, since they are so many I don't want to invest the time in it. And some things are better left for later. Always. >> Feebled Healing no longer rem... Continue reading
- September 06, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisI'd rather swap to a biweekly posting routine. Daily posting feels kind of awkward, since I'll have more productive days and days when I'll barely do a thing. Been somewhat busier, since a friend is i... Continue reading
- August 14, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis* decided to change posting day to Monday, though it may vary, depending on how much work I have achieved. * * I oftentimes forget to note changes, and I am thinking of just posting the changes, inste... Continue reading
- August 03, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisAyyy, been missin' the uploading of some of my getting dirty with codin' stuff :3. This time I am still working on one of my favorite ELF characters (both looks-wise and skillset wise) who goes by the... Continue reading
- August 01, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis26.07.2023 <> Wrote code for the map-targeting event, and extended it so that enemies' locations are also shown. <> Streamed for 4 hours and worked around the algorithm that would show the minor enemi... Continue reading
- July 25, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis19.07.2023 <> Added a property to Resilience and Sanctified (boons) that counts the number of stacks owned (for each minor foe). <> In doing the above there have been multiple corrections of the prope... Continue reading
- July 19, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis12.07.2023 <> Continued with adding the code for minor foes' damage reduction sources. <!> Minor foes all still have a property for Fear's apply chance which also exists in the generalised code. Must... Continue reading
- July 11, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisCarrying on with some of the many things that have to be finished for the game... Continue reading
- July 11, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisCoding is fun they say XD... Continue reading
- July 11, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisA somewhat chill coding day if you ask me. Compared to others. Testing things for Personal Battle System. Remember that what may be seen in a video is not a final result. I tend to change things a lot... Continue reading
- July 11, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis05.07.2023 <> Began creating a Map-Targeting System for player's Area-of-Effect abilities. Player can click on this and mark the epicenter of AoE abilities. <> Created images for the above to depict e... Continue reading
- July 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis30.06.2023 - 02.07.2023 <> New RULE: Effects both Positive and Negative apply with 1 round / 1 Phase duration if applied through Convert / Corrupt action (to avoid exaggeratly long durations). Initial... Continue reading
- June 27, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis21.06.2023 <> Vampiric Delight (Hex) had a property that would record the % of vampiric healing based on struck enemies. This implied a lot of extra code since it needed to be changed, applied then re... Continue reading
- June 21, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis13.06.2023 <> Finalised the change intended today after around 8 hours of code changing :D (with small breaks here and there) <> The code is simpler, uses a bit fewer events and no longer has the opti... Continue reading
- June 13, 2023 by Annwfn#A journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #JavaScript, #game development, #game design, #facing Alpha Nemesis06.06.2023 <> Fixed an issue that would display the wrong message within the submenu of Transactions. <> Arranged exception code for the Transactions submenu to include the possibility of the submenu... Continue reading
- June 06, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisRemember that things and coding can change, everything that is here is a reference, or a piece of history, to call it so :3 The way I code things usually implies that I go in "circles", with each circ... Continue reading
- June 06, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisCarrying on with development. Typical stuff at work towards the User Interface and ability completion. NOTE: in some days I may be exhausted, so expect some mistakes to happen. Code may change off-str... Continue reading
- June 06, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha NemesisSomewhat typical work undergone daily... Continue reading
- June 06, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis30.05.2023 - 31.05.2023 <> Corrected (player only) the Positive and Negative Effects' duration reduction to also check whether the Effect is or is no longer and apply any other effects if so (like cor... Continue reading
- May 30, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #JS, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #facing Alpha Nemesis23.05.2023 A lot of unfinished code remains in the User Interface as well as content that doesn't have conditions when to trigger yet. 24.05.2023 <> Corrected all resolutions of MIM's Transaction 7 (A... Continue reading
- May 23, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #facing Alpha Nemesis, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #design log, #JavaScript, #game development, #game design17.05.2023 <> Started work on Mastermind's Intricate Mechanics Transactions, especially 7th, which handles conditions (a huge code to write). 18.05.2023 - 19.05.2023 <> Changed minor parts of Twisted... Continue reading
- May 17, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #design log, #facing Alpha Nemesis<> Somewhat of a busier period for me. Changes within life and am embracing them. Minor work still is being done daily. 09.05.2023 <> Corrected an issue with overlapping Variables (commonly used ones... Continue reading
- May 09, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript02.05.2023 (continuation, after post) <> Corrected Beyond Infinity: Creation's Abyss cost in Trainer's description, its own as well as corresponding code. 03 - 06.05.2023 <> Finalised the Crafting pan... Continue reading
- May 02, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #facing Alpha Nemesis, #weekly log, #my first game, #JavaScript, #game development, #game design, #RPG Maker MV25.04.2023 <> Added 1 property to each Essence and Ascension Material to show whether they have been purchased or not. <> Etherite Quintessence Emporium Gateway and Chaos Dimension Stabiliser have rec... Continue reading
- April 25, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #Facing Alpha Nemesis, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #JavaScript<!> Not everything that has been worked towards may be announced in each of these posts <!> 21.04.2023 <> Limited number of player's Light Discharge (Device) to 3, previously no limit. <> Added a few... Continue reading
- April 17, 2023 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis, #my first game, #JavaScript, #game design, #game development+++ This is a compiled list of general changes. Not everything is mentioned, some may be skipped, some are way too unimportant +++ +++ I work daily, even a little bit, so if some days have nothing to... Continue reading
- April 05, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #game development, #game design, #Facing Alpha NemesisAn older video (1 - 2 weeks ago) about using the plugin and creating Variable properties. Many values changed, how they got sorted changed, however the way the plugin is usable still remains the same... Continue reading
- March 18, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #JavaScript, #Makai Object pluginLearning to use this plugin. P.S. Don't add the scripts in the Declare Variable menu, it doesn't work. I initially thought it works like this as well. All you need to do is add the properties in a Scr... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - Art Design | Ailments' effects change | Manga Maker ComiPo! Part 2March 07, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Skill Encyclopedia, #Pictures Common Events plugin, #Part 2, #RPG Maker MVCorrecting the annoying aspect of having written "Piority" instead of "Priority". Using Manga Maker ComiPo! has 1 single downside to me, that that I cannot change the color of the writing for the effe... Continue reading
- February 23, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness - facing Alpha Nemesis, #A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #game design, #game development, #my first game, #JavaScript, #Personal Battle SystemStarting to get some contour. And well, issues as well. Coding is fun, they say XD... Continue reading
- February 23, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness - facing Alpha nemesis, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #JavaScriptSome initial work on the Encyclopedia I am intending to finalise. It will be accessible during any time of the Personal Battle System. It is available all thanks to Picture Common Events plugin!... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - Art Design | Ailments' effects change | Manga Maker ComiPo! Part 1February 23, 2023 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #A Journey through Consciousness - facing Alpha Nemesis, #A Journey through Consciousness, #game design, #game development, #JavaScript, #my first game, #Manga Maker ComiPo!A lengthy video in which I redesign the Ailments' (negative effects) look and effects. Voices may be heard since I was talking to some friends as well, AFK farming Arknights and watching some of their... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - RPG Maker MV - YanFly Picture Common Event Plugin in use! - Part 4February 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis Chapter, #game development, #game design, #my first game, #JavaScriptDoing flashy designs towards the wanted outcome :3 No voice, just action, so one can listen to their favorite music, or whatever ^^ This video shows the final, desired result, as it should be. This is... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - RPG Maker MV - YanFly Picture Common Event Plugin in use! - Part 3February 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #Facing Alpha Nemesis Chapter, #JavaScript, #game development, #game design, #my first gameDoing flashy designs towards the wanted outcome :3 This is a demo of the full interface I want to make, an interface that will be available during the Personal Battle System's function, so player can... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - RPG Maker MV - YanFly Picture Common Event Plugin in use! - Part 2February 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis Chapter, #JavaScript, #RPG Maker MV, #game development, #game design, #my first gameDoing flashy designs towards the wanted outcome :3 No voice, just action, so one can listen to their favorite music, or whatever ^^ This is a demo of the full interface I want to make, an interface th... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - RPG Maker MV - YanFly Picture Common Event Plugin in use! - Part 1February 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis Chapter, #RPG Maker MV, #JavaScript, #game development, #game designDoing flashy designs towards the wanted outcome :3 No voice, just action, so one can listen to their favorite music, or whatever ^^ This is a demo of the full interface I want to make, an interface th... Continue reading
- February 04, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #game development, #game design, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #Modern Day ChapterShowcase of the big project and very minor corrections. And obviously it crashes when saving. Surely I didn't miss that. XD... Continue reading
- January 01, 2023 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #game design, #game development, #JavaScriptFacing Alpha Nemesis. That's the name... Continue reading
- December 14, 2022 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #A Journey through Consciousness, #Facing Alpha Nemesis Chapter, #A Journey through Consciousness - facing Alpha Nemesis, #JavaScript, #game design, #game development, #Personal Battle SystemAn intro, the event which will be happening exactly before the beginning of Persona Battle System (which is under works, and yes, it will take a long time). Hope you like the background music, for the... Continue reading
- August 09, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #facing Alpha-Nemesis, #Alpha Nemesis, #game development, #game designPushing further with the partitioning of my project from 1 single map to smaller ones just to see if it's gonna be any more optimised... Continue reading
- RPG Maker MV - What can go wrong in coding? - A Journey through Consciousness - facing Alpha-NemesisAugust 06, 2022 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #A Journey through Consciousness, #game design, #game development, #facing Alpha NemesisPushing forward with the lil' project! Solved some big script's errors, but there still are... So much correcting to do apparently... Well, Sigma grind goes on :3... Continue reading
- August 04, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #game designPushing on with my project. This one has inconsistencies which were addressed the following day: 1. fixed idea EternIce's conditions requiring a timer. This was removed, since their duration is calcul... Continue reading
- August 02, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game design, #game development, #bug squishingPushing forward with my project!... Continue reading
- Correcting inconsistencies - A Journey through Consciousness - the "small" projecc XD (RPG Maker MV)July 29, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #game design, #game development, #Alpha nemesis, #my first game, #RPG Maker MVGot so sleepy, fuzzed out and drousy after doing all these changes and there's still always something wonky . . ... Continue reading
- July 24, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #game development, #game design, #my first gameCarrying on with progress regarding my small project... Continue reading
- July 24, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #game design, #game development, #my first game, #AI designGoing on with the project... Continue reading
- Finalising Ground Floor Students' changes 5 objectives. Easy tutorial. How many times will it crash?June 18, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #Modern Day Chapter, #game design, #game developmentLong ago video I forgot to post... Continue reading
- May 24, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game design, #game development, #AI designPushin on with the project. There is another showcase of the Ground Floor map, though there are no changes from previous map showcases. Still got a lot to do with the AI, and a few of the things I ain... Continue reading
- May 16, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #AI design, #Modern Day ChapterPushing on with my project, showcase by the last 15 minutes! Finished the AI for students for classes 1 - 2 and 1 - 3!... Continue reading
- May 14, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #Modern Day Chapter, #game design, #AI designPushing further with the Students' AI development. Still in design phase... Continue reading
- May 06, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game development, #game design, #AI designPushing on with Students' AI progress... Continue reading
- April 30, 2022 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #A Journey through Consciousness, #Modern Day Chapter, #my first game, #game design, #game developmentPushing on with my game project, explaining a few things as well through the video... Continue reading
- March 02, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #minigame, #turn-based combat, #RPG Maker MV, #Personal Battle SystemThis feature will most likely be deployed in the smaller project - A Journey through Consciousness: ALpha Nemesis. (name may vary, it doesn't have a fixed on yet)... Continue reading
- February 28, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Modern Day chapter, #game design, #game development, #AI design, #my first game, #RPG Maker MVFinishing the remaining half of 2 students' AI in PG Maker, my large project: A Journey through Consciousness... Continue reading
- February 28, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Modern Day chapter, #game design, #game development, #AI design, #my first gameCorrecting the AI of a student, simplifying some code to be usable with others that will need an exact or similar sequence of code and finalising the AI of another student... Continue reading
- February 28, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Modern Day chapter, #game design, #game development, #Miyumi Kurokami, #introspectionA Journey through Consciousness, Modern Day chapter. One of the wiser characters in the game, and experienced in many things in life explains in short things through her own introspective nature's fin... Continue reading
- January 11, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #AI design, #modern day chaptercorrection and analysis of ideas. Sadly I only got to record around 1 hour of the 4-ish that this process took. Guess I am too focused when I do this kind of thing. I do swear I thought I was recordin... Continue reading
- January 11, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern day chapter, #my first game, #AI design, #RPG maker MVThis part was supposed to be much so longer but I think I pressed the record button accidentally and it stopped, or OBS suddenly stopped... Continue reading
- January 11, 2022 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern day chapter, #game design, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #AI designCorrection and analysis of ideas. Sadly I only got to record around 1 hour of the 4-ish that this process took. Guess I am too focused when I do this kind of thing. I do swear I thought I was recordin... Continue reading
- December 24, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #visual rework, #town mapVisually reworking my town map, finalising its surface. Still need to take into account the numoerous details to add, like light poles and maybe shading... Continue reading
- December 15, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern day project, #town map, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #visual updateHello there everyone, finally a new video showing some of the rework progress on the project's main Town map (there is also the one with the University garden which will be a main map). This is somewh... Continue reading
- November 02, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern project, #Hamamatsu University of Art and CultureHello there folks, a short testing of the large project. I have finalised some more Student AIs for the first phase of the day, so am checking them up. It's more checking than actual playing, but stil... Continue reading
- October 19, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern day projectHello everyone! Back again! I know it's been long, but been taking a long break and somewhat still am. The project is long and after 3 or 4 major overhauls I feel like moving in circles. Am rewriting... Continue reading
- June 13, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Alpha Nemesis, #Xandaara, #Big Graveyard, #Big Graveyard sceneHello there folks, t'was high time I added a lil' bit of the work I have managed to put into the smaller project. Though I haven't given the 2 that much attention, I don't want to rush. Am getting bac... Continue reading
- February 09, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #creditsHello there everyone, this will be a compiled list of all the DLCs and resources I am using for the game in case people would wonder or if one would ever feel a need to question the projects' usage ri... Continue reading
- February 06, 2021 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness game, #demo, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #Theater ClubPLEASE READ FIRST: Hello there folks, me again, this time with a video of a reworked event in my game :3 The known event has been reworked, now including the new map version (visually updated), as wel... Continue reading
- December 21, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #design log, #visual update, #modern day chapterAfter countless crashes and cursing, I am glad to present you with: my Visual Update is 99% changed and fully implemented, except a few glitches and awkward tile interactions that I have to fix. Mah g... Continue reading
- December 15, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #deisgn log, #visual update, #my first game, #modern day chapterHello there folkies, me again with what I think it'll be the last visual update to my game since I am almost over with this design chapter :3 Only have the Science Facility floors to update, which wil... Continue reading
- December 15, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey throug hConsciousness, #A Journey throug hConsciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #design log, #visual update, #my first game, #modern day chapterHello there folks, almost done with 3rd floor's visual update! Student dorm is left + the rest room. Then to focus on the Science Facility floors and lastly the toilet mechanics (to add them back) XD... Continue reading
- December 14, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #A Journey through Consciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #modern day chapter, #visual update, #design logHello there folkies and lovelies ^^ Me again with another video to serve as a design log and history of the creation of my "AAA" RPG Maker MV game, a visual redesigning of the world map, where I use t... Continue reading
- December 08, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #design log, #visual update, #my first game, #modern day chapterHello folks, me again, the crusade continues ^^ Third floor suddenly looks like it's definitely the most complex one yet! I love how things end up being like. Enjoy the process, stay awesome, you are... Continue reading
- December 08, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG maker MV, #my first game, #modern day chapter, #visual update, #design logHello there folks, me again, carrying on with the crusade of redesigning my University's 3rd floor, now with the Cafeteria (a 3rd one actually XD). However I had to cut it short, since something poppe... Continue reading
- December 08, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #visual update, #modern day chapter, #design logHello everyone, in this video I almost finish the newest Botanical Garden Club building on the exterior side of the 3rd Floor of the Shizuoka University of Art and Culture of Hamamatsu, Japan. (of cou... Continue reading
- December 08, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #modern day chapter, #visual update, #my first game, #design logHello folks, me again, this time moving to the 3rd floor of the University and last part that would need a visual update. It's starting to look good ^^ In this video I am making good use of the tilese... Continue reading
- December 06, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #design logHello folks, this design log almost finishes my first floor, which I am completing right now. Floor 3 remaining then I am done with most of the visual updates ^^... Continue reading
- December 06, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #design log, #modern day chapterHello folks, me again, the crusade continues, as I approach the finishing of the University's first floor... Continue reading
- December 06, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness game, #RPG Maker MV, #design log, #my first game, #modern day chapterHello folks, me again :3 This is the 4th redesign log, this time for the 1st floor of my Shizuoka University of Art and Culture! Hugs, stay awesome!... Continue reading
- December 05, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #design log, #modern day chapterHello folks, me again with another design log. And yes, I finished floor 2 almost entirely, bathrooms will be left for the final part! Keep aiming high, the lil' AAA of RPG Maker MV is startin' to loo... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - MODERN CHAPTER - Design Log - Redrawing University Floor 2 Map (2)December 03, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #designing my first game, #design log, #modern day chapterHello there everyone, another short video on my progress towards the visual update and passability update for the University Floor 2 map ^^ As a reminder the game features Shizuoka University of Art a... Continue reading
- December 03, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #designing my first game, #modern day chapterHello folks, kind of reluctant to show this, this is part of the processes I do while reworking my maps, which is the prerequisite for the designing of the AI of my characters. Which is the prerequisi... Continue reading
- November 28, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #modern day projectHello lovelies, me again here, with a video on the final visual updates to the Ground Floor of my map, which took me 2 tiring weeks to create (tiring because of other things) yet I do enjoy the progre... Continue reading
- November 12, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #game designHello folks, me again with a video on the visual changes to my modern-theme video game project I've been working for nearly 14 months or so! Yes, there are numerous things to be changed, yes there are... Continue reading
- October 02, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #game design, #game developmentHello there folkies and lovelies, back again with a status on my game, just showing some of the visual updates and discussing on different changes undergone. Been through some rough times but am still... Continue reading
- A Journey through Consciousness - Personal Battle System improvement adjusting my (De)Buffs durationJuly 18, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #game design, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #Personal Battle SystemHello everyone, this is another video of me and improving and correcting Battle System things. After I changed the Variables' locations there is so much mess I left behind that needs to be done. Going... Continue reading
- July 16, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Personal Battle System, #game design, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #demoHello folks, a new video on my game's progress, where I replace the old Variables with the new chosen ones for the characters that I will implement in time. Plus, I realised .requestBalloon(0) crashes... Continue reading
- July 16, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #Personal Battle System, #my first game, #demo, #overhaul, #game designHello there folks, had to break this video in 2 due to Windows I guess. OBS sliced the video in 2 and started the 2nd one, realising that after it finishing this recording XD I have to readjust the va... Continue reading
- July 16, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #Personal Battle System, #RPG Maker MV, #demo, #my first game, #game design, #overhaulHello there folks, had to break this video in 2 due to Windows I guess. OBS sliced the video in 2 and started the 2nd one, realising that after it finishing this recording XD I have to readjust the va... Continue reading
- July 11, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #demo, #RPG Maker MV, #Personal Battle System, #scripting, #Skill DesignHello folks, me again, with another video on my Personal Battle System skill design, this time the 5th and last skill the first encounterable enemy will have. The video shows me doing things, correcti... Continue reading
- July 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #demo, #skill design, #Personal Design SystemHello folks, this is another video about the designing of my 5th skill for the first enemy the player can encounter in my Personal Battle System. This is the first part. Skill design is not final (ani... Continue reading
- July 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #demo, #skill design, #scripts, #Personal Battle SystemHello there folks, me again, with another video on my video game, in which I finish my 4th skill for the first possible enemy the player may encounter in my Personal Battle System! Hope you enjoy! Kee... Continue reading
- July 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MV, #demo, #Personal Battle System, #skill designHello folks, I finished my 3rd skill today in this video, gone through some challenges, not big, more like lil' design nuisance and misdirections. I have finally done most of the things I needed for t... Continue reading
- July 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #skill design, #Personal Battle System, #demo, #my first gameHello folks, me again with a video on my progress regarding skill designs for my game!... Continue reading
- July 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #skill design, #demo, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #Personal Battle System, #Tutorial SystemHello there folks, me again with another piece for the Archive of my Awesomeness Creation XD This is another testimony of the work I put towards my lil' game, and is not necessarily important to watch... Continue reading
- June 13, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #demo, #RPG Maker MVAwesome update I made, I improved a lot of ideas, done some optimisation, corrected events, added some mechanics for my characters, fixed incorrect tiles, etc. For a single person, it's a lot of work,... Continue reading
- June 07, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #demo, #antagonistHello, this video was posted as a source of inspiration for the one and only Hiro Natsume, the awesome person who I called on to get my awesome new commissions for the antagonist, a character the play... Continue reading
- June 07, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #demo, #sneak-peakThis is a bit more of the demo to be released, am still adding stuff and cosmetisation to the demo, which became quite biggie that I actually suffered numerous crashes while saving... (Thankfully I do... Continue reading
- June 07, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #demo, #new intro ^^, #Hiro NatsumeI have a new game intro for the game, after I have received the commissions I have requested from the one and only Hiro Natsume. My game's demo is nearing completion as well, but will not be related t... Continue reading
- March 26, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #RPG Maker MV, #my first game, #demoHello folks, big news! This is a sneak peek into the demo I am willing to release about my game. It'll not be about the Chapter I have been showing up till late (with the Japanese University and stude... Continue reading
- March 12, 2020 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #Theater Club performanceHello everyone ^^ I have finished this event, finally ^^ After 3 cancelled attempts at recording it, and also after so many changes! Changelog: - changed Arita Yuriko's sprite to reflect her chosed in... Continue reading
- January 10, 2020 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #my first game, #RPG Maker MVHello folks!! Coming back with updates on my game, am seeing serious progress, am adding new finesse ideas to it and minute details like sounds being heard only if the player is close, etc. and differ... Continue reading
- December 18, 2019 by Annwfn#A Journey through Consciousness, #9 months' special!, #teaser trailerThis event here is a presentation of a few other events, that show you, the viewer each of the 5 playable characters that will be available, in a certain order, that you, the player, can choose (more... Continue reading
- December 06, 2019 by Annwfn#RPG Maker MV, #A Ajourney through Consciousness, #My first gameHello folks! Another new event finished for my lil' game. An RPG/ Visual Novel hybrid :) Hope you enjoy! Characters depicted: Miyumi, Dora and councillor Yukiko... Continue reading
- November 02, 2019 by AnnwfnProject started being worked upon in RPG Maker MV!... Continue reading