A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - Monthly Log #23 (no video) - 01.01.2025 - 31.01.2025

< General >

<> Weaken effects and Poison effects were added a few ideas about their mechanics within their description.

 > This is yet to be added in an actualy description box.

<> Added a new kind of {Combo} stance, called "adaptive", where it'll search whether the corresponding {Combo} effect is active or not. it will prioritise {Combos} not being active, turning them active. If already, then it'll trigger them.

<> RULE: On application, Ailments' Application Effects disregards Enforcers (effects that would prevent Ailments' effects' application).

 > This will make Ailments stand out as the strongest effects.

<> Block and Dodge (written normally like this) now present the DEFENSIVE side of "Block Rate" and "Dodge Rate" (the older term was a bit convoluted).

 > Block Rate and Dodge Rate are the values typical to Attacks; a value that states how much of target's Resistances they will ignore / take into account (min and max defaults: 0 - 2).

   > Min 0 means it ignores Resistances entirely. Max 2 means it takes into account 2x the value of corresponding Resistance.

<> Created properties to mark the limitation of 1 per each tile that anything can be set on (Devices, Gadgets, Machinations, etc.)

<> Created a definition for Multicast mechanic.

<> RULE: All Devices, Traps and Gadgets now count as Machinations.

 > The general Machinations (Devices, Traps and Gadgets accessible to most if not all characters to Craft) are still treated as general Machinations (still Machinations - the distinction is to mark that Machinations are usually specific to some characters as OWN abilities, usually unique, or with slight variations, which general Machinations are accessible to most if not all characters).

< Mini Effects changes >

<> Peaceful Nature (Utility) now sets ATK to 0 instead of ATK -30%. This is to reduce the number of % calculations, as well as feel a bit more "peaceful".

 > Rewrote description effect.

<> Magicorrode (Scourge) changed Aura removal effect into Aura Apply Prevent mechanic (same functionality).

<> Fester and Scourge (Scourges) corrected Scourge keyword color (as well as in all instances in game).

<> Atelophobia (Debuff) keyword color correction.

< General Distortions and Obstructions >

<> Tortul's Teachings (Distortion) received a Tag with duration (was missing).

<> Kertol's Preachings (Distortion) received a Tag with duration (was missing).

<> Arandara (Obstruction) received a Tag with duration (was missing).

<> Narandarandra (Obstruction) received a Tag with duration (was missing).

< Ailments >

<> Added missing properties for Application chance for a few of the Ailments within the Common Properties txt file.

 > Also deleted a double instance of such properties for Knockdown.

<> Added properties for removal chances increase and decrease to each, since they were missing in here, though mentioned in descriptions.

 > Same for boons, however for boons the removal chances apply only to ENEMY sources (own sources don't count).

<> Staggered - grants increased Crippled apply chance.

 > Applies Easy Target.

 > Increases chances for Knockback and Knockdown application. Also for Crippled.

 > Added a default duration of 1 round.

<> Deep Wounds - added a default duration of 2 rounds

 > Applies Devoid instead of Convolution.

 > Also ads Bleeding.

 > No longer removes stacks of Regeneration (Buff), but removes the Buff itself, since it no longer has stacks.

 > Removes Bleeding and Wearried on removal / duration end.

<> Crippled - no longer applies Refresh (Debuff), yet applies Distortion of the Thorn (Dark Utility).

 > Also applies Cripple Remove Prevent +1 and Movement Points Gain Prevent +1 (replacing the Speed -1 obtained during Engage Phase - same mechanic, yet simpler implementation, and somewhat easier to counter).

 > Added 2 new properties to the Ailment to mark whether it was removed OR it ended, to allow the code to trigger Thornstruck (1 round) AFTER the duration reduction part of End Phase (so as to not be applied and immediately end).

<> Poisoned - no longer removes 1 Potion of Healing.

 > Applies Heal Prevent +1 and Scourge Remove Prevent +2, as well as Poisoned (Dark Utility).

 > Also applies Enfeebled (Debuff).

 > Now also removes Poisoned (Debuff) and Poisoned (Dark Utility) on end.

 > On being applied, the source gains 1x Poison Point (max 1x / round from this effect).

<> Mana Poisoned - grants Mana Regeneration -4 (2 rounds).

 > Grants Ability Cast Prevent +1, and -10 Mana on its trigger.

 > When casting Mana-cost abilities (except Improve, other effects like this), target loses 4 Mana.

 > Added explanations for its effects to remove any confusion about it.

 > No longer removes Mana on End Phase, no longer adds the 1 of 3 random effects.

 > Also removes 10 Mana on removal.

<> Bleeding - applies Bleeding (Debuff) on application and removes it on removal / duration end (initially it was added on end).

<> Weakness - removes 1 free Action Point.

 > Preserves the gain of 1 Action Point during each playable Phase (the non-instant one always).

 > "Attacks automatically inflict Staggered" rephrased to let player know it is "Attacking", not being affected by Attacks (confusing sentence).

 > Also applies 1x Deathly Horizon (Dark Favor) on duration end.

<> Lethargic - On application: no longer applies Bulky and the other Debuff, now applies 2x Vulnerable (Debuff), Exposed (Debuff) and Vulnerable (Distortion).

 > Now also removes 1 Action Point after Crafting, and 1 Attack Point after attacking (to counter multi-attackers).

 > Also reduces chances for each main action: Craft, Cast and Attack.

<> Incapacitated was made more restrictive, disallowing all actions and removing all Points on application.

 > Also applies a means to protect the Disabilities that it applies as well as a new Confusion apply chance increase.

 > All Duration Effects were moved to Application Effects, where they should belong.

 > When caster uses any free Action Point(s), 1 more is consumed - making this Ailment a very powerful one, one to be feared.

 > No longer removes 1 Potion of Intellect upon loss / duration end, but grants 1 free Action Point (not bypassing the limit).

<> Added missing properties for some Machinations.

<> Knockdown has been made to last 1 Phase or 1 round, depending on inflicting abilities. This is to address some of the abilities that would inflict either 1 duration or the other.

< Xandaara the Wise >

<> Corrected old way writing of {Combo} properties in the files for each of her abilities.

<> Discharge (Attack) had its "Intro / Outro" old effect description replaced with "Dual" keyword.

 > Was bound to be changed, since the Dual mechanic was added specifically for this.

 > Same for Advanced Stealth (Operation).

<> Performed some syntax corrections for {Combo} effects (correct writing for the "active" and "trigger" effects).

< Sindora, the Warped Goofball >

<> Conducting a series of rearrangements in her ability kit, to better it and hopefully add a bit more synergy.

 > This includes making many of her effects less bloated / convoluted, occasionally creating more that will have smaller effects rather than a few, really bloated ones.

<> Rain of Swords (Elemental Spell) became an Ultimate, no longer has 2 casts, 2nd cast's effects were moved into Improve effects.

 > Renamed Spike Shower.

 > Reduced overall damage dealt, reduced CD from 5 to 3 rounds. Added cost of 3 Energy instead of old one.

<> Created 2 new "Resource Plethora" Passive effects, in order to make the already existing ones less cluttered with text.

 > This way, each such Passive (now 5) deals with a much smaller part of this character's ability kit and her unique resources.

<> Void HP and Hidden Power have received their own description box, no longer being part of the initially huge Passive abilities' descriptions.

 > Hidden Power is also now gainable through dealing damage, though only at 25% rate.

 > Added within description that Void HP has indefinite duration.

<> Created a property within Skills file that counts how many die rerolls she has.

 > These can be used for any 1 die roll (even more than once for 1 single action, for now - unless it may prove gamebreaking).

 > These rerolls usually have a duration when they can be used, like "What the Dice?" Concoction (1 round).

 > These rerolls cost 1 reroll attempt (no self replenishing, only from effects).

< Concoctions >

<> All costs increased from 10 Mana to 25.

<> Removed the preset Distillery Ingredients that could've been applied to each Concoction.

 > Added instead a max number of Distillery Ingredients that could be added, allowing for a more flexible approach from player.

 > This means that ANY Distillery Ingredient can now be applied, instead of predetermined ones, allowing player / AI to choose flexibly, or even focus on the ones more useful in a situation.

<> "Hello, Mommy!" was shortened in effect, no longer has a condition for the bonus damage, deals +14 instead of +50% damage.

 > There was an inconsistency with it dealing its effect, since caster should've initially had Tipsy 0, which according to newer mechanics should be impossible (at least at the start of Phases). Was solved.

 > Now is also an adaptive {Combo}.

<> "Oh, yes, daddy!" was removed the Tipsy-related effect.

<> "Dear Awakening" no longer grants bonus damage, only Mana, and a bit more if under any Aura.

 > This is to also bring in a few Aura-related effects.

<> "Tipsy Edge" was extremely reduced, had its Improve effect removed, as well as effects 2 and 3.

 > CD reduced from 4 to 2.

<> "Bottom's Up!" removed allied-related effects.

<> "Turbulent Concoction" effect reduced (removed first effect) and also has adaptive {Combo Botanist}.

<> "Consume Me Not" name changed from Turbulent Concoction (2 effects with same name).

 > Now grants Nihility -1 for its wrong effect, and no longer applies the Consume effect on foes (would've been a lot of code to write), but applies 2 stacks of Deathly Horizon.

<> "Brush My Conscience" now (automatically) removes Confusion depending on Tipsy value.

 > Removed all other effects.

<> "What the dice?" had all its effects removed, besides the di(c)e reroll one.

<> "Consume Me Not" rearranged effects 2 and 3 in description to better reflect that they are branched to effect 1.

< Distillery Ingredients >

<> Set their Crafting Speed to 1 Phase (was missing) and their max in Inventory to 4 (initially 10 in 1 source, 4 in the second).

<> Craft CDs increased from 2 to 4 for each.

<> Now a max of 3 can be applied to any Concoction, removing the old specific allowance of Leaves to be applied.

<> Added a few new Distillery Ingredients, so as to reduce the effects of some and redistribute them to the newer versions.

 > Mint only removes Frigophobia and Freezing.

 > Paivich grants only Disability Prevents.

 > Kerandora (new) grants Hidden Power +24 and Tipsy -1 (the other 2 effects of Mint).

 > Paivich applies Disability Apply Prevent +2 instead of +3.

 > Nyïaramnora'a (new) removes Frozen.

 > Haichiltz also grants Luck +1 alongside Tipsy +1.

 > Haratrapnitza now grants 1 item in Chronovault -1 to its wait timer. Does not stack with Chronomatronica and each disables the other.

 > Benpaitol provides its effect instantly, not on End Phase any more.

 > Manyápara (new): grants Wisdom +1.

 > Nugunugu: no longer grants Growth to allies (makes no sense).

 > Kokonuliprima: automatically removes 1 Hex (of choice, though not specified) only.

 > Daradardara (new): automatically removes 1 Curse (of choice, though not specified).

 > Pokÿulitja: now grants Scourge Apply Prevent +2 and 1x Spirit Candle.

 > Juorarpah (new): Removes 1 Dark Utility.

 > There are a total of 17 Distillery Ingredients used through Arcaner's Mixes (Passive).

< Passives >

<> Quirks of my Design <[Branch I]> had its dice-related Tags removed, redundant.

 > Was also broken into smaller effects that each describes 1 thing regarding Sindora's weird kit.

<> Quirks of my Design II doubled the Mana Regeneration gained.

 > Reduced stack max from 5 to 3, but made it 3 stacks for EACH of the 2 effects instead of 5 total stacks.

<> Resource Plethora (III) changed Nihility's description, since it didn't end up used as in the original description.

 > Was granted a new effect: Once per round, remove 1 non-stack boon (at random) from foes struck by a Nihility Improve.

 > Gain rate was changed to: gain 1 per action that prevents the application of effects on self (max: 2x / round).

<> Quirky Concoctions chance to grant Wisdom increased from 1 to 3 times the die roll result.

 > Removed the last effect (for each point of Tipsy, caster loses 1 Wisdom in End Phase).

<> "Quirks of my Design <[Branch I]>" has been split into 2 Passives, "I - a" and "I - b" that each explains the distinctiveness in between Fortune Labels and Talismans.

 > Each functions differently, presented the fact that Talismans do not have a Deck of their own and that "are always ready".

 > Explained the function of "Reaction" and "Impulse" effect mechanics, also clarified costs for Talismans.

 > Increased the cost of Fortune Labels' Crafting from 10 Mana to 25.

 > Added missing Tags to each of the 2 effect Types: Fortune Labels as well as Talismans.

 > Wisdom gaining chance-related effect was moved from this effect to Resource Plethora (I) Passive.

<> Quirks of my Design <[Branch II]> had it's Prerequisite effect set as a Tag instead and a contrasting effect within removed.

 > This resulted in a shorter effect description box.

 > Added Growth (Buff) to the list of randomly obtainable effects.

<> Quirks of my Design <[Branch IX]> split last effect into 2, making it 2 distinctive Reactions.

 > Initially they were so, but second effect was not a Reaction, now it is.

 > Increased the frequency of 2nd Reaction from 1x per round to 1x per Phase (for easier Constitution gain).

< Quirks >

<> Increased Mana costs from 10 to 40 for each.

<> Thrýgaldýírkochiledrón - increased based damage and also set a minimum possible damage (24).

 > Partly rearranged effect within the description box and also partial rewriting.

<> Majd'kash Haffdjiv'ha - removed the Improve effect.

<> Yieshilbahjkar - fully reworked, now acts as a heal ability.

<> Quatherlikedrón - no longer grants a free Ether Core, Improve effect removed.

 > Some effects were reworked, also added an effect for Thÿrgaldrdora'a.

 > Ferenji the Brave also gains Ward and Quickness (Buffs).

<> Tedratridekrón - no longer teleports caster (redundant with the multicast - either too much mobility or useless to teleport to same Remodulon).

 > Triggers off of choosing 1 Remodulon instead, no longergrants the healing but Stability +1 instead and range has been increased from 1 to 2.

<> Thrýgaldýírkochiledrón second dice roll is now 1 die OR 2 dice, since roll result 1 would never exist.

< Fortune Labels >

<> Increased the draw speed for caster. Now they draw 1 Fortune Label each playable Phase instead, making their impact better.

 > Added 7 new base Fortune Labels within the Deck (always part of it).

 > Caster will draw from it only when there is at least 1 Crafted Fortune Label within.

<> Gave each Fortune Label a name.

<> Reduced Fortune Label Deck size from 40 to 25.

<> Obscura Ghahrenza reworked first Failure Effect, removed the second.

 > Noraveshkarria (Favor) had its last effect removed, remaining as a regular, personal Favor (not Mini Effect), without any fluff to it.

<> Obscura Ghallyliya Failure effect no longer delays the trigger of Doraveshkarria (Dark Favor, personal) - it no longer triggers off of the Failure effect.

 > Doraveshkarria (Dark Favor) no longer grants (permanent) stats, will have caster deal 10 Chaos damage whenever gaining Destruction.

 > This makes it more representative of its Type as a Dark Favor.

 > The Sacrifice effect was removed.

<> Created description effect for Obscura: Shrewd's Hex and Device gained by caster.

<> Created missing properties to show location of each of these.

<> Created properties for the 7 default Fortune Labels.

<> Corrected a series of wrongly written keyword colors.

 > Improved description effects to make better sense.

 > Slight changes in values.

< Tricks >

<> Pan'Galqun changed effect to remind player that, as a Consume effect, it can be consumed by foes as well.

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