A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - Monthly Log #21 (no video) - 01.10.2024 - 31.10.2024
01 - 31.10.2024
<> This was an annoying and tiring month, felt burnt out through at least half, my ill mom kept calling me on and on, last week of my holidays (spare days) were a mess, barely much sleep. Still, I pushed on, and I am glad that someone was found who is willing to stay with my mom full schedule, ensuring that someone can actually take care of her 24 / 7.
<> Created a few newer mechanics, as usual, though a bit more complex (code-wise), slowly will be introducing them (note: am not in the coding phase yet, only property set up, which will be used in the coding).
<> Xandaara the Wise character had her kit reworked (5th or 6th time I guess?), this time up to date with all new mechanics.
>> She was also given a bit of a new mechanic that will be part of Sindora's ability kit, once I start Phase 2 of her design.
<> Up next will be Nora the Pure and Ferenji the Brave final ability creation phase, where their skill set will be run through and, where needed, performed additions so as to add newer mechanics within. Nora the Pure also needs some more abilities.
<> Up next would be the creation / changing of some of the minor foes' ability kits as well as the creation of some minor AI algorithms for these minor foes and actually create a potential demo for the combat system. Been 3 years already of me spinning in a circle with adding and removing stuff, overhauls and reworks that didn't bring me anywhere. Time to push my way towards a little demo.
<> Corrected a few entries where Intimidating (Buff) was spelled as Intimidation.
<> Added a few new properties in General Properties for All file, removed some redundant ones and corrected some descriptions so as to have a better idea of each.
< General Mechanics >
<> The concept of "Resource" as an advanced resource has been turned into a universal resource.
> This resource can be acquired and then converted into own resources, being somewhat similar to Action Point gains: max: 1 per round can be gained, max 1 can be converted, costs 1 Utility Point, being Transactions.
<> Bale sub Type damage was renamed into Plague damage. Changed name in all instances.
<> RULE: Transferring effects does not count as removal, even if it removes the actual effect from one target.
> The effect in end is not entirely removed, just swapped from one unit to another.
> This allows the few Transfer abilities to be a counter to the somewhat spammy Disability +X effects.
<> Created a new sheet with all the General Effects to have stored for easier access.
<> Added missing Tags for some of the General Effects, particularly duration.
<> Changed Smiten's (Obstruction) effect to trigger on next Introductory Phase as well instead of just on gain, so as to justify its lasting 2 rounds.
<> Decided on the final form of effect orders in the case of abilities affecting others (damage calculation).
<> Created new stats: Health and Mana regeneration. These trigger at the end of each playable Phase. Also End Phase.
> These do not count as healing or gains.
<> Hexes and Curses no longer have application chances.
<> Pierce damage no longer discards target's Aura but grants Precision +1.
<> [Combo Utility] now also acts as a share effect.
<> Removed "Other Poisons" as property, coalescing that with Poisons to represent all the effects named Poison(ed) - as per other description tooltips.
> This means that Poisoned (Ailment, Debuff and Dark Utility) have 2 Disabilities and Enforcers affecting them.
<> Changes to Combo Types' effects.
<> Invisibility and Undetectable are no longer classified as "Positive Effects" (old terminology), they are now Obstructions.
> Corrected keyword colors.
< Ailments >
<> Frozen - changed order of effects, putting End Effect towards the end, instead of at the beginning.
> Now also grants affected targets a 33% chance to fail Crafting.
< Potions >
<> Centered both lines of Tags for each general Potion.
<> Rewrote some effect to smooth reading.
<> Potion of Healing - adjusted properties to new values from last patch.
<> Potion of Mana - increased base Mana grant from 15 to 35 and improve Mana gain from 65 to 72.
<> Potion of Relief - also grant Refresh (Buff, 1 round) after ability cast.
<> Created a new keyword for the abilities that allow the purchasing (Transaction) of effects. Keyword is Emporium, however it will not be applied to each such ability if it does not fit the description lines (and would add extra lines, or won't look nice in description box). This keyword does not have any mechanic relation (does not influence game mechanics in any way). It was assigned only as an Archetype of these abilities.
<> Added extra explanation for the Combo Types, allowing hopefully for an easier understanding.
< Xandaara the Wise >
<> Almost complete rework of all abilities and mechanics. Saved the old build and properties as "Legacy" content - though not released anyways. Maybe the protagonist will fight an older version of herself.
<> Transcendence Levels no longer require Crafting resources and paying them, Levels occur automatically after a certain number of actions was fulfilled.
<> Was granted Poison Points mechanic, added into Mastermind's Intricate Mechanics (Passive).
<> Ether Core costs reduced to 15 Mana, no longer has cost decrease if more are owned.
<> Essences are purchased directly from Etherite-Quintessence Emporium Gateway, no longer needing to be Crafted after their "recipe" was purchased.
> Also reduced some Essences' purchase cost.
<> Void Shroud has no limit now, but also absorbs damage and Loss of Life for caster, similar to Ferenji the Brave's Shieldforce (and other such mechanics).
> Greatly reduced the amount needed to automatically prevent impairing Ailments as well as Mini Effects' application.
> Gaining Utilities also grants Void Shroud.
> Impairing effects no longer increases max Void Shroud.
<> Emporium abilities had their Transactions' costs and a few CDs reduced.
<> Corrected names of multiple properties, generally shortening them and adapting them to newer naming formats.
> Also deleted several unnecessary properties as well.
<> Void Shroud (Passive) resource gain buffed: gains 40% from damage dealt by ANY ability now, not just single target Attacks.
> No longer has active / inactive state, it now is always available.
<> Created the Tag < Personal Shield > for Void Shroud (Xandaara) and Shieldforce (Ferenji). There are currently 3 characters with this resource.
<> Greately diversified her means of gaining Void Shroud.
<> Added her Combo Attack mechanic back, yet with a change.
<> Added a new means to gain Void Breach (resource).
<> Gained the ability to use Combo Effects, different from Combo Attacks' mechanic, however those also count as Combo Effects.
<> Gained the ability to use the new Chronotrigger mechanic, as well as (seldom) the Chronometronomicon and Chronometron effects (Sindora specific), but reworked - will be applied to Sindora as well.
<> Ether Resources descriptions:
> Corrected Ether Core's description, adjusted to new mechanics, deleted redundant Tags, corrected a few keyword colors.
> Overall reduced description length.
> Changed the final effect of Coalesced Netherite to be better deserving of Crafting this resource, granting a lot more bonuses.
> Lasts 1 Phase to Craft instead of 2.
< Passives >
<> Mastermind's Intricate Mechanics gained 2 new share-oriented effects.
<> Exploit Confusion - changed greatly so that it now deserves its name.
> Adapted to newer mechanics.
> Makes sure caster can gain Advanced Stealth and that they cannot remove the Disabilities gained (that balance the ability - or represent the "weakening factor").
> Also inflicts Confusion (Ailment) 1 round on aggressor.
> Is instant cast now.
> Also removes Revealed.
<> Void Shroud also grants a fixed amount of Siphon Shield in each Introductory Phase.
> Added change in properties as well.
> Now starts combat with full Void Shroud.
<> Added a new Passive that triggers certain effects when Hexes and Elemental Spells affect foes with Xandaara the Wise's Marks.
< Ascension Paths >
<> Ka-Ryü Ayówakaara (Ascension Path) also grants damage and Loss of Life protection as well as Counterattack, Intercept and Absorb.
< Attacks >
<> Adaptive Warp - added scaling ATK Ratio (per Transcendence Level), removed Transcendence Level related effects.
> Now has Multiplex: Wave and an Improvable effect.
<> Harness Inner Majesty - CD reduced from 5 to 3, removed Transcendence Levels' effects. Added a few other effects instead, including a new Improvement effect.
> Deals Light damage instead of Chaos. Gained Multiplex effect.
<> Harness Ether Resonance - CD reduced from 5 to 3, damage type from Light to Pierce.
> Grants Chaos Aura, extra Void Shroud regeneration.
> Reduced ATK Ratio, yet has scaling per Transcendence Level instead of per Elemental Infusion (which wasn't good due to how those function).
<> Discharge no longer applies Electrified, changed to include 1 of the new {Combo Types}.
> Adapted to the new Combo Attack mechanic.
<> Netherwarp CD reduced from 5 to 4, adapted to new Combo Attack mechanic.
<> Thrilling Dance full rework, kept its dash mechanic, but now it can also attack targets if they cannot be dashed through.
> Was given 4 Combo effects, among others.
< Devices >
<> Light Discharge moved to Devices file. Reduced Craft CD to 2 (specified this in Tags also).
> Specified in Tags that there is a max 3 ownable Light Discharges (on field and in Inventory).
< Operations >
<> Judgement - CD reduced from 4 to 3, added new Combo Type effect. Effect changed overall.
> Now also deals Chaos damage.
<> Advanced Stealth - descriptions of Stealth and Advanced Stealth were moved to their own description box.
> Was granted an effect on its own and can also be cast during the Engage Phase.
> Now has 2 casts per round.
> Adjusted to new Combo Type mechanic.
<> Alfalthsalm - renamed "Communion Strive", effect changed to add new Combo mechanics and Combo Types.
> Has a random effect if Sindora is in the party, aligning a bit to Sindora's lorewise randomness and unpredictability.
<> Bethalthstamsalm - now has 2 casts, was granted the new CD altering mechanic (a minor effect).
> CD increased from 2 to 3.
> Second Improve effect also increases CD by +1 as intended.
> Corrected keyword colors for the 2 Enforcers applied.
<> Anjilthstamgamma renamed Rushing Intervention and has access to ChronoAmp.
<> Deltandjoltstam renamed Preventive Cooperation Link, cost increased from 3 Ultimate Energy to 5.
> Second improve no longer automatically removes the Ailments and only attempts their removal on self.
> Method to share this effect with allies.
<> Stolstamskorsigma'a renamed Path to Protection.
> Granted it [Combo Assimilator].
> Also triggers {Combo Treater}.
> No longer grants Ward of Protection (Gadget) but triggers Protection Ward (1 round) instead.
> Converted first Improve effect into ChronoAmp effect, and 3rd Improve effect into Chronotrigger effect.
> Revival effect is the {Combo Treater}, which triggers after the target's teleport.
> Added a limit of how much HP and Mana revived target can gain (21%).
< Obstructions >
<> Crimson Denial received a Chronotrigger effect which integrated some of its original effect.
> No longer grants Shield, but grants slightly less Team Shield.
> Cast Speed changed to instant.
<> Crimson Defiance received an Improve effect (and corresponding Tag) that integrates the last Prevent offered, along with new effects.
> Also gained a ChronoDec effect which makes the ability's CD lower.
<> Coral Grief complete rework, grants Synchronicity and Stability +1 per struck foe.
> Was given a Chronometron and Chronometronomicon effect.
<> Coral Drain rework, grants Enforcers +X (now it deserves the name "Obstruction").
> Grants a selected foe 3 Disability +X effects.
> Was granted 2 Chronotrigger effects and 1 ChronoAmp effect.
<> Craven Lullaby CD reduced from 5 to 4 and had its End Phase effect removed.
> Gained a new effect that grants extra Void Shroud per Transcendence Level for the duration.
> Gained a means through which it can apply mass Fear.
> Improve Effect changed with one that includes share mechanic; the effect was moved to a new ChronoAmp effect
> Slightly better synergy with Nora the Pure.
> Also grants allies slightly increased Elemental Resistances.
<> Flourishing Expanse lost its last effect, CD reduced from 4 to 3.
> Description text realigned to be easier to read.
<> Amethyst Iridescence nw also grants Enfrocer +X effects and less Shield, but gains a bonus per affected foe.
> Also gained {Combo Desolator} and slight effect description rewording.
<> Alabastrine Approach's Translucid (Distortion) effect has been improved and moved to its own description box.
> Also grants Phased Out (1 Phase), damage taken reduced by -20 instead of -33% and Loss of Life taken -10 instead of -20%.
> Also grants 1 free Ether Core and other effects once every 2 triggers.
< Quirks >
<> Added new Tags to each Quirk ability for more clarity.
<> Corrected each Quirk ability's description to make it clear that the Remodulon is the source of the damage on teleport (Passive effect part).
<> Replaced "Passive is Field Trigger" useless Tag with one specified what Combo Field it creates (Stated in each Quirk ability's description).
<> Each Quirk ability that has a Remodulon Infusion had that Infusion's description moved to a description box of its own, with new Tags.
<> Each Remodulon Infusion was improved, being given new effects also.
<> Quirks of my Design (Passive) rework, now grants Block and Dodge +1 per Passive that triggers.
> No longer increases own CDs, but reduces non-instant effects instead 1x per round.
> Also gained 2 Combo effects.
<> Quatherlikedrón's final effect now acts as an Improve effect.
<> Thrýgaldýírkochiledrón (Quirk) no longer adds stacks of Protection (Utility) since it was reworked to no longer have stacks.
> Now, Transcendence Level 4 effect grants Debuff Apply Prevent +2.
<> Bibantidechrón no longer applies Vampirism (would become too consistent of a way to keep it permanently on).
> Vampirism was moved however to Drain (Infusion), and this Remodulon Infusion was changed to only trigger from first single-target Attack per round.
> No longer heals and grants Void Shroud until Transcendence Level 3 (both were slightly increased).
> Non-instance effect now also deals Toxin damage and grants Siphon Shield.
> Transcendence Level 4 also grants self 2 Deathly Horizon stacks.
<> Added 2 new Quirk abilities, not sure if they'll make it in the final kit.
< Essences >
<> Some of the Poisons here received an effect that functions only for Xandaara the Wise.
<> Each Poison received a description of its own.
> This effect (or effects) trigger alongside the Poison's own effect (yet Xandaara the Wise also has her own effects for this).
<> Coalescence: Into Infinity had its Transcendence Levels' Craft costs slightly increased.
<> Beyond Infinity: Creation's Abyss slightly increased values required for Charging.
<> Öberantnitch of Öv-Ög's Vulnerability Poison gained a new effect when target reaches max stacks of this Poison.
<> Essence of a Dead Star's Core's Improve effect also grants 1 Poison Point.
> Starlit Poison gained a new effect that works only for Xandaara the Wise.
<> Essence of Splinters gained a new (extra) Improve effect and Exposed Poison also got an effect for Xandaara the Wise.
<> Essence of Sabotage gained a ChronoAmp effect, Sabotage Poison gained effects specifically for Xandaara the Wise.
<> Essence of Poisoning gained a few new effects, as well as Exploit Poison.
<> Essence of Intimidation was removed the 3rd Improve effect, yet gained a ChronoAmp effect.
< Gadgets >
<> Craftcrazed (Passive) also triggers when Xandaara the Wise Crafts, even steals General Machinations or Runes (previously she wasn't interested in them).
<> Ether Flame Web gained an Improve effect for when it triggers, as well as Multiplex.
<> Ether Shield received ChronoAmp and ChronoDec effects, no longer grants Team Shield, but a personal Shield. Cooldown reduced from 4 to 3.
> Removed the 3 effects that cost Ether Cores / Ether Kernel, they were partly integrated into 2 new End Effects.
<> Ether Warp Vortex damage reduced from 42 to 24. Effect description rewriting.
< Hexes >
<> Befouling Adamant damage reduced maxxed at 20, the limit of 30 was moved to the Improve effect.
> CD reduced from 5 to 4 rounds.
<> Blurred Vision (Distortion) gained a ChronoDec effect for a shorter CD version.
> Spread Range increase from +1 at Transcendence Level 4 to +3.
<> Collective Malevolence retained 1 of the 4 Improve effects, the rest 3 were converted in different effects that no longer have a cost (same effects).
> Last effect deals max 72 Wave damage instead of max 70 Plague damage.
<> Ancestors' Weight removes only 1 free Action Point during the End Phase.
<> Lingering Blight received explanations for first 2 effects, stating them in an easier to understand manner (explanation of the trigger limitations).
> Removal chance decreases now by -4% instead of -2%.
<> Vampiric Delight increased Void Shroud gain per target from +4 to +8. Deleted the mentioning of "inactive Void Shroud", since this mechanic was deleted (redundant).
<> Enfeebling Vortex gained ChronoAmp, ChronoDec and 2 Chronometron effects.
> Void Shroud granted during End Phase reduced from 13 to 10.
<> Baleful Intervention deals 15 Toxin damage instead of the 10 Plague damage.
> Damage is dealt per ACTION that removes Buffs and / or boons instead of per each. This is how it was intended.
<> Arcane Punishment reworked and gained an Improve, ChronoAmp and ChronoDec effect.
<> Distort Defenses grants Resistances instead of reducing them and also applies Distorted Defenses (Distortion, 1 round).
<> Fade Spirits gained a ChronoAmp and Improve effect, Removal / End Effect improved a bit.
<> Discourage Action gained an Improve, ChronoAmp and ChronoDec effect.
< Elemental Spells >
<> Blazing Inferno - removed all effects regarding Fire Aura.
> Effect condensed, removed 1 Transcendence Level 4 effect, gained a Chronotrigger, ChronoAmp and Improve effect.
> Reduced number of targets from 10 to 6, added an effect to reach that number of targets.
<> Shocking Descent - compressed effects, gained 2 Improve effects and Combo effect.
<> Storm of Cuddles received a {Combo Cast}.
<> Spark of Interest removed last 2 effects, replaced with a ChronoAmp and Improve.
<> Spine Chill gained Improve, ChronoAmp, ChronoDec, Combo effects, alongside a new mechanic.
> Damage reduced from 125% ATK to 75% and CD reduced from 4 to 3.
<> Frozen Waste damage reduced from 175% ATK to 150%.
<> Ether Combustion full rework, deals Pierce damage, has an Improve and a powerful ChronoAmp effect.
<> Nether Traversal deals Chaos damage instead of Physical.
<> Ether Shift slight effect description rewrite.
<> Divine Descant deals 125% ATK instead of 118 damage. Same Type. Also decreases target's Absorb by 2.
<> Pierce Adversity also grants Precision +1, better description, added Improve effect (moved part of an effect to it) and ChronoAmp effect.
<> Unhinge - manipulates Phased Out better.
<> Lightning Thrash rework, added 2x Improve effects, ChronoAmp, ChronoDec and Ultimate Combo effects. Made a very BIG effect description. XD
<> Corrected the "Epicenter Target" Tag - in some cases it was refering to wrong targets. Also, corrected "File" to "Tile", as it should've been. :)
< Racials >
<> Sweep had its percentage chances generally reduced per Transcendence Level.
<> Vision Scan was split into 2 description boxes due to it being a bulky one.
> Buffed to have 1 range per Transcendence Level instead, stun chances slightly increased per Level.
<> Chaotic Grace received an Improve effect for each branch.
<> The Hedron Provides (Passive) heals less per Craft, however grants increased Regeneration.
< Talismans >
<> Each of them is now a hidden effect.
<> Changes performed to almost each Talisman.
< Potions >
<> Changes performed to almost each Potion (thse are unitque to this character).
< Nora the Pure >
<> Nexus Field was written in a description box of its own.
<> Veil of Remembrance had its applied Obstruction moved to a description box of its own.
<> Shroud of the Nora'a had its applied Obstruction moved to a description box of its own.
<> Preserving Hallowedness (Preservation) had the effect of Hallowed Field moved to a description box of its own.
<> Corrected a few property names.
<> Abundant Protection (Abundance) had the effect of Protection Ward moed to its own description box and added to the list of General Ward effects.
> The effect regarding Xandaara the Wise has been adjusted to grant both the effects at all times, since Void Shroud's active - inactive mechanic was removed, functioning at all times.
< Ferenji the Brave >
<> Created description box for each of the effects of Synergetics (Passive).
> Removed the described effect from Synergetics' description and added each to their own new description box.
> Created an effect for when Nora is also alive and when Xandaara is alive (same as in Summons (Passive) - do not stack).
<> Specialisation Mastery (Passive) was broken down into smaller Passives that each describe the effects for swapping to corresponding Specialisation.
> This way it is easier to digest.
< Fanaticism (Specialisation) >
< Fanaticism (Ability Type) >
<> Blessing of the Masses also grants ATK +2 per foe in range to self and allies, 1 round.
<> Augment Cast greatly increased potential, added -1 value induction to 3 Disability +X effects.
> Has an effect now if ability is non-Attack and 1 effect if ability is an Attack.
<> Several slight buffs to effects.
< Attacks >
<> Added the missing CD Tags for 2 abilities. Mostly unchanged.
<> Changed wording of Awe (Obstruction) to more easily make sense. Corrected number of targets from 6 to 1.
<> Shocking Advance - CD reduced to 3, removed most of its effect, added 2 Combo effects to it.
> Increased ATK Ratio from 65% to 80%.
> Though simplified in effect, retains most of its function.
< Darkness (Specialisation) >
<> Changes to Nullifying Field (Passive) - now also has stacks, can induce Casting Disabled and has Multiplex: Arcane.
> Moved its applied Distortions' effects to their own description boxes.
<> Thornstrike (General Distortion) big buff, gave additional effects.
<> Elemental Nullification (General Distortion) big buff, gave additional effects.
<> Arcaneshroud (General Distortion) effect rewrite to be easier to read.
<> Freezing Aura (Darkness Aura, ability) had the effects of the General Aura removed from its description and added to its own description box.
<> Freezing Aura (General Aura) gained 3 additional effects that revolve around Frozen (Ailment).
<> Created a new mechanic called Poison Points that allows the gaining of different effects.
> Created a subsequent Emporium ability for this mechanic.
<> Summons (Passive) - slight description adjusted to add that Xandaara being in the party allows max Summons +1 is also mentioned in Synergetics (Passive).
> This is to underline that the 2 effects are the same and do not stack. Property is applied to Synergetics.
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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