A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - BiMonthly Log #3 (no video) - 17.09 - 01.10.2023 (BiMonthly Updated)
19.09.2023 - 01.10.2023 - this time they are very minimalistically written. Yes, changes are many and I don't have the time to write each effect change. Especially since they are still under thought.
<> Added several more minor Effects.
>> Thorns duration reduced from 2 to 1.
>> Added more minor effects, reduced some of the previous ones' duration from 2 rounds to 1.
>> Changed -phobia Minor Effects to last 1 round instead of 2 in their Debuff counterpart.
>> Set duration to any of the Minor Effects that lacked one.
>> -Phobia Minor Effects that can Stun end after that so that perma stun possiblity does not exist.
>> Added Races: Human, Orc, Unnatural (Undead, Construct, Ghost, Alien).
>> Added Race specific abilities (Racial and Heal).
>> Added Classes and Professions as a target for effects. Main ones and secondary ones.
>> Main Classes are: Martial, Mage, Support.
>> Secondary Professions are the characters' actual Profession.
<> Fleshing out the combat system in a different way:
>> Action Points and Movement Points are earned now during the Introductory Phase (since its kind of blank for now anyways) instead of during each corresponding Phase. Actions are still limited to 1 per Phase, and movement remains for Engage Phase only for now.
>> Intending on adding Crafting Points, so it no longer uses Action Points. This will allow more actions per round for complex characters.
>> Crafting will consume 1 Crafting Point irrespective of the component's Crafting Speed.
>> These changes may make the game more awkward, however they will ease in the creation of the AI.
< Quirks changes >
>> Changes to Tedratridekrón (Quirk), now requires a straight line or diagonal to dash through, instead of regular teleport. Now also creates a Light Field and applies Vulnerable (one of the new Mini Effects). Also added a Mark-related effect.
>> Quirks of my Design (Passive) has its final effect (+1 Remodulon Infusion range) tied to Transcendence Level 4 now.
>> Changes to Thrýgaldýírkochiledrón (Quirk), related to the Nemesis Mark. Curator (Infusion) removes 2 Debuffs instead of 1 Ailment and also grants Protection stacks depending on Transcendence Level.
>> Changes to Bibantidechrón (Quirk) - removed vampiric healing, added small damage and Loss of Life to Passive. Now regenerates Void Shroud, can increase max Void Shroud and also is tied to the Retribution Mark.
>> Each Quirk's Passive effect is now a Field Trigger as well (they trigger corresponding effect when player teleports to a Remodulon IF they landed in a Combo Field).
>> Thrilling Dance (Attack) is supposed to be somewhat of a signature ability. Changed effect completely. No longer Improvable. No longer grants Action Points. Now allows dashing along the field. Added the Steal mechanic and it is gonna be bound to each skill deplying this mechanic (if it has chances, they are no affected by any other source but the skill itself).
< Ascension Materials / Paths changes >
>> Changed Coalescence: Into Infinity to require to remove a certain amount of Debuffs from self instead of taking damage.
>> Coalesced Netherite (Resource, Tier 4) had its Craft Speed reduced from 2 Phases to 1.
>> Maha'tiwarúb-Ekaara (Ascension Path) now also offers Immunity to Debuff, Dark Utility and Dark Favor effects.
>> Changed each Ascension Material's Charge requirements.
< Essence changes >
>> Essence Crafting speed has been reduced to instant from 1 Phase.
>> Essence effects have had corrections to their Tags displayed, removed unnecessary ones.
>> Status Effects reworked, duration reduced from 3 to 2 rounds. They apply a current effect each time target is struck.
>> Removed the "-5 Mana" clause if target was already applied with the effect. it was an interesting way to lose Mana for one or two effects that needed, but since this effect was removed from 1 of the Essences that needed it, it feels redundant.
>> When striking a foe that already has the currently equipped Essence's effects stacks (Uses) will be coded to no longer be lost.
>> Öberantnitch of Öv-Ög (Essence) had its cost reduced from 1x Coalescence Etherite to 1x Ether Core. Effect change. Removed the Curse "Agony".
>> Added Essence of Amrita as a new resource, which mainly will be acquired through the use of Essences.
>> Essences remain usable since Transcendence Level 0.
>> Essence of a
Dead Star's Core price reduced from 2x Ether Kernel to 1. Mainly same effect, yet added a "gain Essence of Amrita" effect as well to be in tune with the new resource. Several further changes, added new ones for Transcendence Level 2 and 3. Corrected the number of uses from 1 to 3 in the Tag section.
>> Essence of
Planetary Creation - Energy Flow Denaturation (Distortion) had its effect changed.
>> Essence of Splinters Bleeding Status was reworked into Exposed Status, which applies to Vulnerable mini effect if not already applied. And now regenerates Void Shroud.
>> Essence of Wounding was renamed Essence of Sabotage. Wounding Status renamed Sabotage Status. Effect changes depending on Transcendence Level. Price reduced from 4x Ether Core to 2x.
>> Essence of Poisoning change effect. Generates Essence of Amrita and depends on Transcendence Level.
>> Essence of Collection became Essence of Intimidation, corresponding Status was renamed as well. Reduced number of uses from 20 / 12 to 4. Cost changed from 4 / 5 Ether Cores to 2x Ether Kernel.
>> Changed Essence of Improvisation's Choices, lowered their CDs.
< Gadget changes >
>> Gadgets are no longer "Trap"-like Constructs placed on the ground. They are carried by player (don't appear in Inventory) and are trigger automatically by specific effects. Reduced Max carriable from 2 to 1 (due to more complex effects).
>> Removed Stealthspawn from Tags. Also removed the "Set Time" Tag.
>> Ether Bomb renamed Ether Flame Web. Effect change.
>> Ether Trap renamed Ether Shield. Effect change. Adapted to more modern mechanics. Added the "Ether Shield" mechanic. Removed "Effect Range" Tag. CD increased from 2 to 4.
>> Ether Vortex renamed Ether Warp vortex. CD increased from 2 to 3.
>> Ether Frost CD increased from 2 to 3. Renamed Ether Frostshield.
>> Ether-Spike Burst renamed Ether-Thorn Burst.
>> Ether Burst renamed Ether Blast.
>> Ether Vampiric Smacker was renamed Ether Harvest.
<> Ether Vampirism (Device) renamed to Ether Traversal, changed entire effect to a very simple one.
< Hex changes >
<!> halted player skill design and development to finalise a grand table with all the possible Minor Effects, especially adding the new Classes and Professions within the possible effect range. Once this is done, skills will be reconsidered and hopefully no other change is made.
Though the game is finally getting a contour in my mind, this set of changes forces me to start all over. Again. It's gonna be a piss...
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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