A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - Monthly Log #18 (no video) - 01.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
A much bigger set of changes, finalised all characters' skill sets (main characters). Below is just a BIG chunk of the changes done. It took long, it was boring, at times even painful, part of the changes haven't fully been introduced in the game properties (mini effect changes).
01 - 31.07.2024
<> RULE: Thorn damage classified as a Physical damage sub-Type.
> Thorn damage naturally has +10% Physical Resistance Shred.
> Thorn damage is also Physical (sub-Type of it), so if increasing / decreasing Physical damage, Thorn damage is also affected.
> if increasing / decreasing Thorn damage, Physical damage is also affected.
> Same is for Water and Frost damages: Frost is a sub-Type of Water damage. Same applies to these 2.
> Same is for Fire and Cinder damages: Cinder is a sub-Type of Fire damage that always applies Burn (1 round) on hit.
> Same applies to these 2.
> Cinder doesn't have extra Shred however.
> Same is for Lightning and Spark damages: Spark is a sub-Type of Lightning damage that always spreads ONCE only in range 1 from struck target.
> Same applies to these 2.
> Spark doesn't have extra Shred however.
<> RULE: When multiple Improve effects would trigger, depending on ability, they trigger all at once, or from top to bottom (depending on their top-to-bottom location within the description).
<> RULE: Block and Dodge (Warrior Favors) do not work against Unblockable abilities.
<> RULE: Instant Action - effect is gained on cast (at the beginning of Phase).
<> RULE: Non-instant Action - effect is gained during the next playable Phase.
<> RULE: Sabotage - chance to have a target's non-automatic ability fail by reducing that ability's cast chance by its own.
> "Automatic Sabotage" means the chance calculation is no longer needed, the ability automatically fails.
> "Automatic Sabotage" cannot prevent abilities that activate automatically, because, by default, or through any effect such abilities cannot be prevented.
> Above effect allows for an easy set of mechanics that function without confusing the designer / developer, player or the system.
<> RULE: When a boon / Ailment (or whatever needed effects) is reapplied, target does not gain Nourishment / Defilement Bar value).
> This is to ensure that spamming a certain boon / Ailment does not allow these effects to trigger easily.
> Nourishment and Defilement are effects that should trigger from time to time, through cycling boons and the other effects on targets.
> Nourishment and Defilement trigger only from new effects gained, not when any such effect is reapplied.
> When a boon or Ailment is reapplied when they are at max duration, they no longer gain +1 round duration! (was a mechanic once considered, but removed to prevent lenghty durations).
> Max duration for each of these effects still remains 4 rounds!
<> RULE: When any stat would increase / reduce beyond limit, they are obviously reset to the corresponding limit.
> Effects that would trigger from such actions still count (effects that would trigger from increasing max HP, or that count such actions will trigger if target has max HP 999 and their max HP would be increased, say, even 3 times).
<> Siphon Shield added as a defensive option as a property (for mini foes and player).
<> CLARIFICATION: Team Shield is granted in a certain range, but protects the entire team irrespective of where they move afterwards.
> Team Shields are gained by individual team members (stored in each character's properties) yet the totals sum up.
<> Added Refract as mechanic to the general property algorithm for foes (same algorithm will be applied to allied characters as well).
<> Corrected "Resistance" to "Aegis" in properties - according to the name change a long time ago.
<> RULE: Resistances' values can drop below 0 through calculations, since many characters already have negative values.
<> Changes to Ward of Protection (general Gadget) - added duration (for it while waiting to trigger and when triggered), made its function easy to understand.
<> RULE: 1 Aura can be obtained / round by any characters, from any source (to prevent spamming their AoE effects)
<!> Deleted the MINOR EFFECTS.txt file (redundant) - only had 1 property for variable 991.
<> RULE: Anything that has Cast Speed: 1 Phase gains a property named "wasCast" which becomes true on cast.
> Property becomes false at the end of round and triggers its effect on start of next round
> Applies even for Main Phase 3 (which is followed by End Phase, so round end).
> Above may be used to mitigate some effects.
<> Created a new Combo Effect: [Combo Amplify] - any boon, Ailment or Mini Effect applied has duration +1.
< Ferenji the Brave changes >
<> Fanaticism ability Type had most its Auras' durations increased from 1 round to 2. CDs increased from 4 to 6, while last 3 had their CD reduced from 10 rounds to 6.
<> Slightly increased some ATK Ratios for his ATKs.
<> Changes and slight Buffs to the Summons, lowering their ability CDs from their typical 3 rounds to 1 (especially for the first 2, since they have 1 ability each).
<> Description corrections and slight improvements for the Summons as well.
<> Adjarshiff's (Summon) abilities CDs increased from 1 to 2, removed the stacks from Wither (Skill), now it also applies Purge and Corrupt (Scourges).
<> Rework of most Operation abilities, improved effects and made them more logical (some were a bit messy).
<> Use mechanic has been corrected, adjusted to a logical function: Use duration reduced from 1 round to 1 Phase (made no sense), making each of these harder to use, somewhat.
<> Operations remain bound to the Defiance Specialisation. Operations' CDs reduced by a few rounds each (typically they have now 4 - 5 rounds).
<> Added a limit of 1 Operation ability use per round (since multiple casts will somewhat balance this, making the use of more than 1 redundant). This was done as an attempt to keep abilities in check, and make sure a rotation would be prefered than to stick to 1 ability Type.
<> Defense and Deflection (Specialisation) Stance (ability type) changes:
> Each Stance gained a new End Effect that triggers a special Ward (these ones don't have a duration).
> Cannot cast another Stance while any one Stance is active.
> 4 of Wards grant all allies a boon (except self).
<> Synergise (Passive) gained a new effect: when caster grants their allies boons, those corresponding allies gain Thorn Reflect +20.
> This also synergises with the Wards mentioned above.
<> Vanquish the Magicks, Nullifying Field and Freezing Aura (Passives) are now bound only to Darkness Specialisation.
> They end on Specialisation swap. Mentioned this in each Passive's description.
<> As per their base description, the Well ability Type was added as the final ability Type, concluding the character's ability kit creation.
> Wells were added as an effect to each Summon when they are defeated. These do not count as a Combo Field.
< Nora the Pure changes >
<> Added a few more ways of gaining her 4 Unique resources.
<> Rework of a few abilities, improvements to some.
<> Created Tether Spell abilities and 2 Ward abilities.
<> Created a new ability Type: Pulse Burst. Later, these have also been classified as hidden.
<> Created a new ability Type: Burst Pulse.
<> Created a new ability Type: Bubble Ward.
<> Elfin's Grace (Passive) grants 1 resource of choice when Crafting or drinking general Potions (cannot exceed the gain limit).
< Xandaara the Wise changes >< (protagonist) >< adjusting abilities to new mechanics >
< Passives changes >
<> MASTERMIND'S INTRICATE MECHANICS (Passive) Void Breech gain increase from 10% to 20%.
> Also grants caster Team Shield (adusting to newer mechanics).
> Now it is specified that Transcendence Levels are reset at the end of each combat encounter, since the protagonist wishes to experience Transcendence through combat.
<> Corrected several keyword color errors throughout multiple ability descriptions.
<> Void Bazaar (Passive) Transaction 11 now grants Ultimate Energy +1 instead, CD increased from 2 to 4.
> Transaction 3 CD reduced from 5 to 3
> Transaction 4 now grants Shred +10% (1 round) and Growth (Buff). CD reduced from 5 to 3.
> Transaction 5 durations reduced from 3 / 3 / 4 / 5 to 2 rounds at all Transcendence Levels. CD reduced from 6 to 4.
> Corrected text description and column alignments.
> Increased Essence of Amrita costs (per Transcendence) from 20 / 18 / 15 / 12 to 40/ 36 / 33 / 30 (it will make this resource be more needed).
> Ultimately, all Transactions' CDs were set to 3.
<> Siphoning Strikes (Passive) Improve Cost reduced from 2 Tokens to 1 and can only trigger 1x per round.
> Added a second Improve effect (also can trigger once).
<> Mana Charged (Passive) - corrected multiple keyword colors.
<> Void Shroud (Passive) - corrected multiple keyword colors.
> Reduced the resource costs to prevent impairing Ailments from 100 / 95 / 80 / 75 to 80 / 75 / 70 / 60.
<> Void Breach Bazaar ability duplicated, one of them was renamed to Ether Bazaar (preserving the old effect: Ether Resource conversion into certain gains).
<> Ether Bazaar (Passive) - costs rework, adapted to Void Breach.
> Transaction 1: CD reduced from 3 to 2.
> Transaction 2: CD reduced from 4 to 2.
> Transaction 3: CD reduced from 5 to 4.
> Transaction 4: CD reduced from 5 to 3.
> Transaction 5: CD reduced from 6 to 3.
> Transaction 6: CD reduced from 6 to 3.
> Transaction 7: CD reduced from 4 to 2.
> Transaction 8: No longer grants Mana, grants Celerity (1 Phase) instead.
> Transaction 9: Reworked to "Next Adaptive Warp (Attack), has +40% ATK ratio.", following Thrilling Dance's (Attack) rework which made the old Transaction effect redundant. CD increased from 1 to 2.
> Created an effect for each Transaction (so as to no longer be a duplicate ability).
<> Etherite-Quintessence Emporium Gateway (Passive) Tag color changes.
> Replaced each Transaction's arrow pointing at it with an index number, to be easier to track when reading.
> Moved 1 line of effect into Tags, reducing description by 1 line.
> Added explanations in description to show that 1 Transaction can be done per Phase and it costs 1 Utility Point.
> Removed Difficulty-based cost for Transaction 10 "Essence of Collection". It costs 6 Ether Cores (Difficulties will be handled later on).
> Removed "Trainer" Tag (redundant).
<> Ether Bazaar and Void Breach Bazaar (Passives) had their arrows pointing to their Transactions replaced with an index number, to be easier to track when reading.
< Ascension Paths changes >
<> Ka-Ryü Ayówakaara (Ascension Path) changed to just vampirise HP instead of the intricate old mechanic.
<> Maha'tiwarúb-Ekaara (Ascension Path) can have its 4 boons removed now.
> They reapply themselves with 2 rounds at the beginning of each Introductory Phase now, instead of End Phase.
> Also no longer offers Immunity to Ailments like before, provides Immunity to enemies' Minor Effects (each Type).
> Immunity means they don't apply (since they apply for a duration of 0, and don't count for the purpose of counters that handle how many Mini Effect(s) were gained).
<> Kaara Zabebarat (Ascension Path) keyword color corrections, slight effect realignment in description box.
< Attacks changes >
<> Adaptive Warp (Attack) slight changes to Tag order and keyword color corrections.
> Effect description rewriting to reduce confusion.
> CD reduced from 3 to 1, now being the "basic attack" that one can cast each round (in place of Thrilling Dance (Attack) which got reworked so that it better deserves its name).
<> Exploit Confusion (Passive, Distortion) - CD reduced from 6 to 4.
<> Shocking Advance (Attack) - slight changes to Tag order and keyword color corrections.
> Teleport Range increased from 2 to 3.
> Improve #2 grants +25% ATK ratio from +11% (to be on par with the max ATK limit).
> Now also shares Impregnable with allies at Transcendence Level 4. Impregnable duration on caster +1 round.
<> Harness Inner Majesty (Attack) - removed redundant Tags, Refract mechanic no longer lasts 3 rounds, lasting until depleted (makes no sense to have a duration).
> Added an Improve effect (protagonist needs more) that helps Nora the Pure gain Abundance resource.
> Added Attack-related Tags to description, simplified effect and reworked the Improve effects (1 was deleted).
<> Harness Ether Resonance (Attack) - removed redundant Tags.
> Added Attack-related Tags to description.
> Removed 1 of the 5 Improvable effects, reduced remaining ones' costs.
> CD reduced from 8 to 5.
> Adjusted "Improvement" effects' writing to the newer way, as well as performed slight adjustments.
<> Light Discharge (Device) - CD reduced from 5 to 3.
> Gained the "Stealth cast" Tag.
> Removed redundant Tags and added Attack-related Tags to description.
<> Discharge (Attack) removed Transcendence Levels 3 and 4 effects, Transcendence Level +2 triggers at Level +3.
<> Netherwarp (Attack) - increased vampiric healing from 30 to 42 and added duration in description for Electrified and Sparked (Elemental Infusions).
> Also added some CD reduction.
< Operations changes >
<> Nemesis (Operation) - CD reduced from 4 to 2. "Ignore 20 Elemental Resistance versus Nemesis" replaced with "Shred +20%".
> Rearanged description, no longer applied Soultapped at Transcendence Level 2, applies 2 Scourge effects instead.
<> Karmic Retribution (Operation) - CD reduced from 4 to 3 rounds. Added 1 extra gain for each of the Transcendance Level.
> Added duration for Retribution value (3 rounds, as intended).
<> Twisted Mercy (Operation) - CD reduced from 5 to 4 rounds. Slight rework for Merciful (mark).
<> Judgement (Operation) - slight buffs to each Mark-related effect.
<> Advanced Stealth (Operation) - moved the base characters' Stealth to the existing descriptions of Stealth and Advanced Stealth.
> They initially existed as a comparison between their base form and Xandaara's. However, the description box was too bulky.
> A copy of this was saved on a more rightward cell.
> Gaining Stealth upon Void Shroud becoming active was given a 2 rounds CD so as to not easily be exploited.
> Corrected "Stealth-cast" keyword into "Stealth cast", as it should be.
<> Created 5 more Operation abilities that provide extra opportunities.
> These 5 new abilities each has teleportation in common, since it was supposed to be caster's specialty.
< Obstructions changes >
<> Crimson Denial (Obstruction) no longer induces "Sabotage" (Distortion). Deleted (redundant).
> Shortened effect, corrected keyword color issue and Tag order.
> Added range for protagonist's teleport for player to know, deleted redundant ability Tags.
> CD reduced from 4 to 3.
> Gained a cost of 2x Ether Core.
<> Crimson Defiance (Obstruction) effect partly reworked. Duration reduced from 3 to 2 and CD from 6 to 4.
> Added Stealth cast for player to know (Obstructions are Stealth cast due to protagonist's Passives).
> Gained a cost of 2x Ether Core.
<> Coral Grief (Obstruction) rework of effect and of Coral Grief (Distortion) inflicted.
> Simplified effect greatly, put it in line with newer effects, and added extra effects depending on Marks present on target as well as depending on Transcendence Level (to keep up with the older effect).
> Rearranged Tag orders.
> Gained a cost of 2x Ether Cores.
<> Coral Drain (Obstruction) slight effect change, made it single target instead, CD reduced from 5 to 3.
> Gained a cost of 2x Ether Cores.
<> Craven Lullaby (Obstruction) converted from "ELITE" to Ultimate. "ELITE" effect removed, redundant.
> Cost changed from 2x Ether Kernels to 4 Ultimate Energy.
> Effect changes, grants Advanced Stealth. Ability cannot be prevented now.
> Rearranged effects' order so as the description makes more sense.
> Added Improve effect as well as a minor synergy with other main characters (Nora and Sindora).
> CD reduced from 8 to 5.
<> Cerulean "Gateway" (Passive / Device) added clarifications to description: 1 only can be active per any tile, also 1 only can be triggered / Phase.
<> Amethyst Iridescence (Obstruction) full rework, added a synergy with Nora the Pure.
> Greatly reduced effect length and removed 1 inconsistency.
<> Alabastrine Approach (Obstruction) - effect change, shortened. Buffed Translucid (Distortion) to also grant Vampirism (Dark Favor).
< Quirks changes >
<> Remodulon (Device) added Improve effect that prevents their destruction by being stepped on. Must be payed each round, at the beginning.
<> All Quirks had their CDs reduced to 2 / 3 (instant and non-instant effect / Passive and activateable effect).
<> Quatherlikedrón (Quirk) effect clarifications, also gained 1 Improve effect.
<> Tedratridekrón (Quirk) effect clarifications, added an improve to Glitter Infusion instead of the old effect (adding 2x Vulnerable).
> Added effect range in the description to show player how long the ability's range is.
<> Thrýgaldýírkochiledrón (Quirk) had its activateable effect changed to no longer trigger all Remodulons to explode and deal damage. Now caster will dash in a line and trigger any Remodulon they dash through.
> Slight changes to effect and description adjustments.
<> Bibantidechrón (Quick) ability buffs.
<> Thrilling Dance (Attack) multiple buffs: CD reduced from 8 to 5, damage per Buff increased from 2 to 14, added a max of 48 though.
> Also applies 2 Debuffs in range 2 before initial dash.
> Removed +5% steal chance from Transcendence Level +2 effect, now automatically removes Blindness (on cast) and added a limit of -3 CD reduction obtainable from chained dashes.
> Clarification: dashes must always occur on a different character, though can strike same character more than once!
> Initial Steal chances increased from 20 to 30, Transcendence Level 4 effect also grant +15% to that instead of +10% (45% total, initially 35% total - now differently dispersed).
> Transcendence Level 4 effect: Attack now becomes a Combo Breaker and Combo Shredder.
> Transcendence Level 4 effect: Teleport to initial tile is now a choice instead of being teleported on last dash.
< Ascension Materials >
<> Corrected Tag colorings.
<> Coalescence: Into Infinity (Ascension Material) also requires gaining 32 / 25 / 20 Ultimate Energy to be Charged.
<> Beyond Infinity: Creation's Abyss (Ascension Material) 3rd Charging requires Crafting 28 / 22 / 16 (own) Potions instead of 22 / 18 / 12 (easier to Craft than the other Charge options).
<> Harachta of Topsy-Turvy (Ascension Material) - first Charge needs Xandaara's Void Shroud to take (more) damage instead of caster (harder to achieve).
> Corrected keyword colors.
< Essences changes >
<> Each has a Craft CD of 2 rounds, some now apply a Poison effect and also gain an Improvable effect (as well as the corresponding Tags).
<> More focus on applying debuffing Mini Effects on foes (to be more on par with the Metamagic racial "Profession").
<> Status Effects have been rebranded as Poisons (redundant effects).
<> Öberantnitch of Öv-Ög (Essence) change, removed Transcendence Level related effects.
> Also regenerates Void Shroud. Corrected keyword colors.
<> Essence of a Dead Star's Core (Essence) had its Starlit (Curse) removed and replaced with Starlit Poison (2 rounds).
> Removed Transcendence Level related effects.
<> Essence of Planetary Creation (Essence) had its Energy Flow Denaturation (Distortion) removed and replaced with Energy Denaturation Poison (2 rounds).
> Still allows teleportation to target on end (now also if Removed) and also specified (as intended, but at least it is present in description) that teleportation happens even when target is defeated (since all effects end) or if target is Stealthed.
> Initial effects of Distortion integrated in the Poison's effect, the Essence of Amrita gain was moved to Improve effect (this also regenerates Void Shroud).
<> Essence of Splinters (Essence) buffed vampiric healing and Mana vampirised. Uses reduced from 3 to 1, now affectes next 1 multi-target Attack OR Elemental Spell.
> Also applies Exposed (Dark Utility) and Exposed (Debuff).
<> Essence of Sabotage (Essence) Uses reduced from 2 to 1, can be increased through Improve effect.
> Removed Transcendence Level related effects.
<> Essence of Poisoning (Essence) now uses Exploit Poison (2 rounds) instead of Poisoned Status.
> Applies Poisoned (Debuff), Poisoned (Dark Utility) and Poisoned (Ailment).
<> Essence of Intimidation (Essence) full rework, also has 3 Improve effects.
> Now it bases itself on Intimidating (Buff), to better suit its name.
<> Essence of Improvement (Essence) greatly simplified effect while preserving the "Quest System".
> Changed each of the Quest System's effects granted.
<> Essence of Improvisation (Essence) reduced < Damage Branch > CDs greatly (from 6 / 8 / 6 to 2 / 3 / 2).
> < Hit Branch > all CDs reduced to 3, as well as slight improvements to effects.
> Simplified effect, removed the Transcendence Level related effects.
< Gadgets changes >
<> Created a new "Quirk, Passive" ability that helps with a few effects when Crafting Devices or Gadgets and when receiving general Machinations and / or general Runes through own effects.
<> Ether Flame Web (Gadget) slight rework.
<> Ether Shield (Gadget) complete rework.
> Now can be "improved" with certain costs that trigger an own effects, like Improvement effects (BUT ARE NOT!).
<> Ether Warp Vortex (Gadget) initial teleport effect is now a [Combo Nullifier].
> Added a second effect.
<> Ether Frostshield (Gadget) complete rework.
<> Ether-Thorn Burst (Gadget) complete rework.
<> Ether Blast (Gadget) had its effect broadened a bit, received a Transcendence Level +2 effect as well.
> Half of the initial effect from Transcendence Level +3 was moved to Transcendence Level +2.
> Transcendence Level +2 also deals damage now based on removed effects' number.
<> Ether Harvest (Gadget) now transfers i random Debuff AND 1 Dark Utility on struck target if they have Retribution.
<> Ether Traversal (Device) - minor Tag color adjustments.
> No longer has to be equipped.
> Corrected Remodulon Infusions' trigger to Quirks' Passives' trigger (as intended - took first effect for the second a while ago).
< Hexes changes >
<> Added Tag to each to remind player that each Hex requires Transcendence Level +2 at least.
<> Corrected each abilities' Tags' keywords' colors.
<> Befouling Adamant's Ward and Ancestors' Weight's Well have been moved to a new "Passive, Quirk" that can summon these
<> Befouling Adamant (Hex) full rework, improved the damage reduction, specified yet (if it weren't logical enough) that it occurs from foes with this Hex on them.
<> Blurred Vision (Distortion) greatly improved effect, adds multiple effects and removed some.
<> Collective Malevolence (Hex) affects a maximum of 6 units (as it should be) instead of the 5 written in Tag effect.
> Effect change, turned into a better version of what it was, retaining the "spread-all-the-shit" from main target.
<> Ancestors' Weight (Hex) shortened effect, duration reduced from 3 to 2.
<> Lingering Blight (Hex) shortened effect, stated that Removal chance is calculated only on removal attempt (there is 1 factor increasing it and 1 decreasing it, total chance won't be displayed anywhere).
> Added a limitation for each of the Hex's effects that can trigger.
> No longer increases the effects of all Mini Effects (Scourges and other Types don't need extra duration, since they end after trigger or would be annoying if they'd last longer).
> Only increases Ailments, Debuffs and Dark Utilities instead of Ailments, Mini Effects and Hexes (preferable to make sure Hexes cannot have their duration extended, since they shouldn't be able to be infinite by design).
<> Enfeebling Vortex (Hex) no longer Spreads (single target), and removed corresponding Tags.
> Duration reduced from 4 to 2 rounds, Spread Range was converted to Effect Range and was reduced from 4 to 3 and CD reduced from 8 to 5.
> Gained 2 Improve effects, is still has a "spread" function (1 Debuff to foes) and teleports foes in range to main target.
<> Hexual Harrasment (Hex) also applies Devoid, CD reduced from 6 to 4.
< Elemental Spells changes >
<> Corrected all tag colors.
<> Violaceous Insignia (Insignia) CD increased from 1 to 3, removed "Transcendence Level +3" effect, since it requires Transcendence 3 in the first place to be usable.
> "Transcendence Level +3" effect was moved to Level 4, and it's +20% (extra Chaos damage) instead of +25%.
<> Blazing Inferno (Elemental Spell) deals Cinder damage instead if one has Fire Aura.
> One also gains Pyrophobia (Buff) if in Fire Aura.
<> Shocking Descent (Elemental Spell) shortened effect by removing Improvable effects, shows that it can hit maximum 10 targets.\
> Second damage reduced from 82 to 60, however, foes with Electrified take +50% damage.
> Nemesis doesn't take +33% damage (only +20, like any foe with Marks).
<> Storm of Cuddles (Elemental Spell) lost its Improve effect, CD reduced from 4 to 2, also applies Exposed (Dark Utility).
<> Spark of Interest (Elemental Spell) CD reduced from 5 to 3, increased % of missing HP dealt as damage from 15% to 28% (1st case) and from 30% to 55% (2nd case). Maximum damage for each case remains 128, yet it is easier to achieve.
<> Spine Chill (Elemental Spell) removed Improve effects, reduced effect and replaced fixed damage with ATK %.
<> Frozen Waste (Elemental Spell) reduced CD from 8 to 4.
> Effect reworked, gaining new functionality if Craven Lullaby (Obstruction) is active.
<> Ether Combustion (Elemental Spell) effect reduced, removed redundant Improve effect.
<> Elemental Finale (Passive) effort slightly reduced, removed "Ether Rock" resource (redundant), caster no longer needs to gain / lose Mana for effects (old mechanic).
> all damages dealt by the Elemental-Infusions has been reduced and normalised to 10. Minor effects added here and there.
> added instances of the new sub-Type damages: Cinder and Spark (these add up to their parent damage Type for effects, unless specifically needed).
<> Nether Traversal (Elemental Spell) was added a second damage instance, on teleport, old effect mostly changes.
> First damage instance is now a [Combo Assimilator].
> CD reduced from 6 to 4.
<> Slight changes to the other Elemental Spells.
<> Divine Descant (Elemental Spell) added duration in effect description (as Tag).
> Added corresponding property within foes' common properties file.
<> Slight changes / reworks to the Talisman ability line, to Racial abilities as well as own general Potions.
> Trat'l-dis'sman (Talisman) reworked to inflict 1 Elemental Infusion of choice instead of Incapacitated / Knockdown. Must be with a single-target Attack.
> General Potion owned max reduced from 2 to 1 to be on par with the other characters (no need for so many Potions).
> General Potions (personal ones) have had their cost converted to 1 Vial of Amrita Essence.
> General Craft Speed was increased from instant into 1 Phase; Drink Speed was made instant from 1 Phase.
< File character property changes >
<> Removing redundant properties to shorten files as much as possible.
<> Shortening property names.
<> Removed all properties regarding Variable 901 (duplicates of another, old Passive set of effects) - deleted the file.
<> Removed properties regarding Etherite-Quintessence Emporium Gateway's Transactions (are present in another file as well, no need for duplicates).
<> Corrected instances of bad copy-pasting property names where variations were present (forgot to rename as one, two, etc., names remaining all as "one").
<> Corrected properties for all Passives, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for all Attacks, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for Damage Types, added Holy damage related properties (were missing).
<> Corrected properties for all Devices, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for all Elemental Spells, adjusted to new effects.
> Reminder: Added corresponding property within foes' common properties file.
<> Corrected properties for all Gadgets, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for all Hexes, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for all Obstructions, adjusted to new effects.
<> Corrected properties for all Operations, adjusted to new effects.
< Mini Effect changes >
<> Elemental Disorder (Dark Utility) effect change, reduces more max HP and also decreases all Resistances by -15% for the duration, making it more fit for its name.
<> Dora's Conquest (Dark Favor) no longer removes 1 general Potion during Engage Phase (on trigger). Effect was easy to mitigate. Now it grants Crafting Disabled for 1 Phase.
<> Distortion of the Sound (Dark Utility) effect description rewrite (same function).
<> Dora's Solace (Buff) description rewriting to make it easier to understand.
<> Refreshed (Buff) description correction.
<> Ambidextruous (Buff) duration reduced from 1 round to 1 Phase, since it made no sense to last 1 round.
<> Several keyword color corrections within Scourge effects.
<> Dora's Forsight (Debuff) added duration (1 Phase) to Incapacitated that it applies.
<> Superiority +x% (Buff) renamed to Superiority.
> Changed effect to: "Attacks deal +25% of BASE damage (max: +25) to foes with lower max HP." in order to avoid exaggerated damages. Same duration.
<> Bulky (Debuff) effect changed to: "Take +25% damage (max: +25) from foes with lower max HP". Same duration.
<> Each of the above had the new changes added to their properties.
<> Lightform (Buff) keyword color correct.
<> Heart of Poison (Dark Utility) effect rewriting to show that target foe upon which this is applied is the one who benefits from the first effect, while caster (the one who applied this to target) benefits from the second effect. Kind of complex, code-wise, but we'll see.
<> Mind Siphon (Dark Favor) effect rewrite to remove confusion.
<> Exposed (Dark Utility) effect rewrite to make more sense.
<> Dora's Dominion (Dark Favor) grants its Debuffs on self during next Introductory Phase, not during the same round's End Phase (they'd also end, leading to no drawback).
<> Nora's Clairvoyance (Utility) effect changes to - "(HIDDEN) Next 2 ability-preventions against self automatically fail (not a prevention: they just trigger and then end). Ends after. Lasts 2 rounds."
> Shortly: now it can counter "unpreventable abilities that prevent actions".
> Reason: Both this Utility and those abilities are rare, so better not interact (may cause weird effects code-wise).
<> Atychiphobia (Debuff) removed keyword plural (only affects next drunk Potion, any, not just general ones).
<> Leech (Dark Favor) effect rewritten to be less confusing.
<> Exposed (Dark Utility) effect rewritten to remove confusion.
<> Corrected Revealed keyword color and writing (as per it no longer counting as an Ailment and it being a Disability Effect now) from the following effects:
> Lightveil (Utility) rewrote effect to be less confusing.
> Unfettered Cloak (Dark utility)
> Easy Target (Dark Utility)
> Clumsy (Dark Utility)
> Dora's Grace (Dark Favor)
> Nora's Protection (Favor)
> Distortion of the Holy (Dark Utility)
<> Added properties for Scourges (Mini Effects) for both player and minor & major characters' common properties algorithm.
<> Added counters for how many of each Mini Effect has been gained, for current round for both player and minor & major characters' common properties algorithm.
< Boons and Ailment changes >
<> Blindness (Ailment) keyword color correction.
<> Frozen (Ailment) added duration to both Staggered and Stun inflicted.
<> Heal-Lock (Ailment) slight effect change.
<> Staggered (Ailment) keyword color correction.
<> Added duration for Clarity for both player and minor & major characters' common properties algorithm.
<> Added counters for how many of each boon and Negative Effect has been gained, for current round, for both player and minor & major characters' common properties algorithm.
< Damage reduction on Scourges >
<> Canker (Scourge) damage per Debuff gained reduced from 10 to 6, added a max: 42 limitation to prevent burst.
<> Putrefy and Scourge (Scourges) both have their max damage reduced to 42 from 60 and 74 respectively.
<> Fester max stacks reduced from 10 to 6, this way it'll deal 42 max Loss of Life.
<> Energoblight and Energoplight (Scourges) had their damage increased from 13 to 14, max damage reduced from 60 to 42.
<> Inhibit Action (Scourge) also had its max damage reduced to 42 and base damage increased from 18 to 21.
> Reason: Mini Effects shouldn't have powerful effects or deal too much damage / Loss of Life.
< General Machinations >
<> Light Trap (Trap), Holy Burst (Trap) - corrected keyword color and writing for Revealed.
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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