So... What was I supposed to code again? So sleepy! XD - "A Journey through Consciousness"

Pushing on with my project.

This one has inconsistencies which were addressed the following day:

1. fixed idea EternIce's conditions requiring a timer. This was removed, since their duration is calculated in a different, special event, just for this, so a timer is useless.

2. EternIce's conditions are no longer cured in Difficulties 1 - 3, and the icon corresponding to those tiers is no longer removed, since the special event removes the conditions after they expire, as well as the icon.

3. Corrected Paradox's clones' IDs in the Switch case I wrote in Notepad, since I copy pasted the line but forgot to adjust the event IDs, all being 472 instead of 472 - 479 :D

4. In the script that I wrote another correction was one: Icon application through script commands was corrected from "this" to $gamePlayer.

<> Today I also added the means for the conditions' application, will see how it runs in the testing :D Guess working on a project while sleepy not the best thing. I almost fell asleep during this recording. Yet, knowing me, I know it's not gonna be the last time :D

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