A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - Daily Log (no video) - up to 17.04.2023 (Weekly Updated)
+++ This is a compiled list of general changes. Not everything is mentioned, some may be skipped, some are way too unimportant +++
+++ I work daily, even a little bit, so if some days have nothing to them, the work of previous days was continued, or, if deemed important, the progress will be presented some other day. Been suffering from an unknown fatigue for years, so I take things much slower nowadays. +++
Before 28.02.2023
<> Changed Protagonist's Passive ability types, added more description, changed fuzzy descriptions.
<> Added Ability tags to all of player's abilities, changed some of them or removed redundant ones.
<> Removed Protagonist's random (45 - 82%) chance to turn Mana loss induced by external effects into Mana gain.
<> Removed term "Attack ability" from the entire game.
<> "Attack" written in red is now the ability type (similar to Basic Attack mechanic, but not necessarily that!)
<> "attack" written in orange shows the ACTION of attacking or having attacked.
<> Removed Protagonist's ability Types: Combo Builder, Combo and Chain Strike and their entire skill line. Uselessly-complicated mechanics, poor synergy with Protagonist's kit.
<> Added a new ability Type for Protagonist: Quirk and a new Passive ("Quirks of my Design").
<> Reduced player's maximum Token limit from 10 to 5.
<> Specified that Token to Mana conversion can be done only ONCE per Phase (no actual change, yet a player had no way to know unless testing. Now they know beforehand).
<> Updated skill tooltip with this new effect sheet.
<> Rewrote the effect of this ability.
<> Adjusted to trigger off of Protagonist's Attack ability line, instead of just "Thrilling Dance"
<> Increased healing from 3 to 5 per Attack use. Added limit to max HP gain. Protagonist's max HP cannot increase over 999 through any means.
<> Added functionality: "When max HP reaches max value, healing from Attacks is increased to 7 instead."
<> Added funcitonality: "Single-target attacks siphon 3 Mana from struck opponents (ONCE per ability use)."
<> Updated skill tooltip with this new effect sheet.
<> Removed extra success chances from Essence of Improvement.
<> Reduced the % numbers of Essence of Improvisation. Changed ability effect to become better with the more Status Effects target has (when affecting player with abilities)
<> Changed skill tooltip completely, specifying all details on the Craftable Ether Resources and the 2 Trainer abilities.
<> Added information about the "Improvable" Ability Tag.
<> Added new ability "Light Discharge" (Device), upon which a skill counts on.
<> Can be Crafted.
<> Added a new usable Distortion ability (increasing count to 2) named "Exploit Confusion".
<> Added new Attacks "Harness Inner Majesty", "Harness Ether Resonance", "Cinderstrike" and "Lightning Strike".
<> Added a new ability "Remodulon" (Device), upon which the Quirk ability line is based.
<> Added a Quirk-related mechanic - Infusions.
<> Created a new template for Ailments. Applied it to all Ailments, changed most Ailments' effects. Changed all Ailments' display picture.
<> Arranged functionality so that each conditional sets NEXT conditional's variable to 1 and shows its corresponding picture batch, with Exit Event Processing, instead of having event jump to next conditional and the variable be 0.
<> Arranged functionality so that each conditional sets PREVIOUS conditional's variable to corresponding MAX VALUE and shows its attributed picture batch, with Exit Event Processing, instead of having event jump to next conditional and the variable be 0.
<> Rearranged the resolution of Player skills' icons, arranged them to a specific 920 x 920 pixel.
<> Rearanged all remaining pictures screen locations (after resolution change).
<> Approximately 3.5 hours.
<> Arranged the code for the first picture to show corresponding ability effects when clicked (Encyclopedia)
<> Added line to delete all Encyclopedia picture IDs to act as a quick refresh of that whole User Interface."
<> Rearranged PBS' 6 Phase pictures' resolution to 783 x 725, replaced old ones in both "faces" and "pictures" RMMV folders.
<> Deleted the Comment saying "No Exit Event Processing to allow code to proceed to next conditional" - no longer needed due to changed mechanics (see 23.02.2023).
<> Also corrected 1 picture's misalignment for skill ICON display locations (IDs 30 - 34).
<> Made it so that player's movement arrows are displayed now only when fully closing the Encyclopedia, no longer when Main Menu was still displayed (could allow picture overlapping).
<> Created pictures for the Ether Resources and added their corresponding explanations, also adjusted their resolution in GIMP.
<> Changed Operation skill line for Player, removed Cloak mechanic entirely from the game.
<> Stealth and Advanced Stealth have been fused into 1 single ability (overall).
<> Created abilities "Nemesis", "Twisted Mercy" and "Exploit Vengeance" for player under the Operation Type.
<> Exported them to according project file.
<> Finalised Operation ability Type creation, rearanged new abilities' pictures for Encyclopedia to correct resolution 920 x 920 in Gimp.
<> Adjusted Player Skill Encyclopedia to work according to the new abilities.
<> Added new Positive Effect "Undetectable" (part of Invisibility). Added to Effect Encyclopedia as well.
<> Made sure that if player triggers Skill Encyclopedia and closes Effect Encyclopedia the Movement Arrows that appear will disappear when viewing Skill Effect Pictures! Movement Arrows reappear when leaving Skill Encyclopedia.
<> Rearranged Twisted Mercy to have blank template instead of portrait-picture one due to effect being too being, probably hard to read.
<> Created new effect "Mana Conductor" - Make use of Mana Conductor - ability Type is Distortion.
(cast on an enemy through effects), when caster uses abilities, they vampirise Mana from target.
<> Attributed Mana Conductor mechanic to Necromancer, Paradox, Geometrist and Hex-A-Gone Paths.
<> Added Sonic damage and Loss of Life variables to store player's damage done and received.
<> Added above variables to store both the damage received and done for current AND previous round. Both for player and enemies.
<> Added the key word "automatic" to "Öberantnitch of Öv-Ög", "Essence of a Dead Star's Core", "Essence of Planetary Creation" to show that their effect has MAX application chance (as intended).
<> Recreated the text tooltips in ComiPo! and replaced existing ability descriptions for the 3 above with the new, correct one (the one including "automatic" key word, as mentioned above)
<> Improved the text description of ALL Essence abilities by adding extra Ability Tags and removing 1 redundant description line (included in the Tags)
<> Undergo changes to Block and Dodge versus Attacks.
<> All Attack abilities now have 100% special success chance to cast and to hit.
<> Block and Dodge reduce that special success chance to hit by their specified value, Evasive adding to that as well.
<> Added the properties for 2 more Variables representing 2 more skills for player.
<> Completely reworked Essence of Improvement and Essence of Improvisation, effects too long to add here.
<> Added a Quest mechanic with the 2 Essence reworks.
<> Added a Choice system for the 2 Essences above.
<> Added player's stacks as interactible pictures, clicking them will show how many stacks are owned.
<> There is 1 single picture to show stacks, and it shows based on which picture is clicked. (to reduce the number of picture IDs used).
<> Updated Exploit Vengeance description to be less confusing.
<> Reduced player's Nemesis' Elemental Resistance ignore from 25 to 20.
<> Created a new template for Positive Effects.
<> Added a duration to Advanced Stealth, increased Revealed Resist special success chances, created Stealth to Advanced Stealth transition effect.
<> Added 1x Ether Core cost to player's casting Stealth. Advanced Stealth has no cost, being a transition.
<> Granted Advanced Stealth -33% damage reduction, removed special success chances to trigger Dodge/ Block/ Elusive from both Stealth forms (redundant, not needed).
<> Removed Deep Wound application from Crimson Denial (Obstruction).
<> Adjusted Crimson Defiance effect to show that only 1 Improvable effect doesn't remove Stealth.
<> Adjusted Amethyst Irridescence and Alabastrine Approach effects to better reflect functionality.
<> For Alabastrine Approach wrote that special success chances bypass target's ability to Resist application.
<> Corrected text description for Remodulon. Granted it its rightful Stealthspawn and Stealth-cast effects.
<> Specified also that Gadgets and Devices cannot overlap.
<> Changed Bibantidechrón's effect to specifically tell player that they receive a "free" Ether Core (specific mechanic).
<> Added 2 new properties to playerStats variable (to count the number of Blocks and Dodges for enemy effects' sake as well as Drain Infusion (Bibantidéchron Quirk)).
<> Reworked Positive Effects' descriptions, classified Block, Dodge, Evasive and Elusive as Defensive Actions.
<> Remade the description templates for each Positive Effect, removed Celerity from the duration list since it just implies its effect and then vanishes.
<> Buffed Endurance's damage reduction from 50% to 75%.
<> Arranging the code for the Positive and Negative Effects (Ailments)
<> Reworked some Ailments to reflect in their description what they can be converted into.
<> Reworked remaining Ailments to reflect in their description what they can be converted into.
<> Reworked all Positive Effects to reflect in their description what they can be corrupted into.
<> Buffed Frozen to also increase abilities' CDs by +1 round when cast during Frozen.
<> Removed Battered -1 Movement Speed effect.
<> Changed Bleeding from "stacking indefinitely" to Max Stacks: 7.
<> Continued Positive Effects and Ailments rework.
<> Reduced Defensive Actions' special success chance buff from Alertness from 24% to 18%.
<> Alertness gains Immunity to Confusion.
<> Changed Battered and Shattered to be a bit better when paired.
<> Rearanged Impregnable's effect to show first part triggers once each round for first ability.
<> Now Impregnable states it protects against Ailments' Loss of Life induced.
<> Adjusted Stability's effect description to better reflect what it does.
<> Buffed Ether Vampirism (Device) to allow for more Mana vampirism.
<> Added Ether Vampirism an effect that vampirises Mana from all enemies in range 2 when its duration ends.
<> Changed the Shield amount gained from half to double the vampirised Mana, including the one from end effect.
<> Ether Vampirism should create a maximum shield equal to 72. (1x attack per round, 3 Mana vampirised if Chaos damage is dealt. 4 rounds = 12 Mana vampirised. 6 maximum enemies x 4 Mana vampirised at the end of duration (if all 6 enemies are in range 2) = 24. 24 + 12 = 36. 36 x 2 = 72 max Shield.
<> Increased Ether Vampirism's CD from 3 rounds to 8, added a CD reduction of -1 round for every 15 HP the Shield has.
<> Ether Vampirism received the tag "Equippable".
<> Updated Lingering Blight, Harness Inner Majesty and Harness Ether Resonance effects, added tag to show minimum possible CD. Extra funcitonality for Harness Inner Majesty.
<> Changed Improvement requirements for Harness Inner Majesty and Harness Ether Resonance from 1x Ether Core to 1x Ether Kernel and improved specific effect.
<> Harness Ether Resonance now also has chances to grant 1x free Ether Core.
<> Minor effect changes.
<> Ether Vampiric Smacker had its special success chances to apply soultap (Hex) increased from 58 to 72%.
<> Ether Burst Chaos damage changed into max 50 Loss of Life. Reduced Cost to 1x Ether Kernel.
<> Added new effect to Mastermind's Intricate Mechanics that allows the next Thrilling Dance (Attack) used in the same round to gain +25% ATK ratio (100% now) and one can choose its BASE damage Type (cannot be used with Improvements).
<> Adjusted Mastermind's Intricate Mechanics description to the new one.
<> Corrected an aspect in Befouling Adamant (Hex) description, changed "Physical, Attack and Chaos damage" to "Physical, Fire and Chaos damage". Dunno what I was thinking with "Attack" damage, since I am not going to code extra armor versus Attack abilities, too much bothering.
<> Befouling Adamant's (Hex) Shield, Netherbarrier now mechanically provides 50 points of BASE protection versus EACH element, including Physical, excluding Loss of Life.
<> Functionality wise, Netherbarrier only breaks when its 3 rounds duration ends, when ALL its values are depleted or when successfully reapplied during the duration (if even possible).
<> Functionality wise, when any of Netherbarrier's Shield values reach 0, there is no more protection versus that. Take this ability as granting a separate 50 points shield versus each element. Strong versus weak enemies, needed versus the Colloseum's enemies' Professions.
<> Updated Ancestors' Weight (Hex) with the new and correct effect.
<> Adjusted Blurred Vision's effect (Distortion) to better reflect its function.
<> Added the missing tooltip to show CD for Ancestors' Weight (Hex) and Collective Malevolence (Hex).
<> Reworked Blindness to reduce abilities' Cast Range and Effect Range by -1.
<> Removed Blindness' automatic failure of Craft abilities (too opressive for the duration). May give it back after testing.
<> Arranged Vampiric Delight's effect to be more representative of what it does and easier to understand.
<> Corrected Violaceous Insigia effect to show that only the Effect Range is icnreased, not also the Epicenter Choice Range.
<> Updated several other abilities to be easier to understand.
<> Updated Frozen Waste (Elemental Spell) to show Frost damage's functionality as well.
<> Adjusted Ether Combustio' (Elemental Spell) to tell player that the last remaining 2 Elemental-Infusions remaining are removed without effect.
<> Elemental Finale (Passive) had its effect corrected to present exactly what it does!
<> Changed "ETHERITE-QUINTESSENCE EMPORIUM GATEWAY" effect to show that it becomes Craftable after all its Transactions have been acquired by the player. Also specified what it can be used to Craft.
<> Changed each Trainer ability's effect and realigned the Transaction cost lines correctly, as well as adjusted their text to better display their functionality.
<> Completed Thaw-maturge's Tor (Trainer) effect with the Elemental damage Type for each ability as well as the purchase COST - which was missing!
<> Corrected a few key-word coloring issues with some of the Gadget abilities. Corrected Ether Vortex's grammar mistake.
<> Chaos Dimension Stabiliser now specifies exactly how many of each ability Type one can purchase through each of the 3 Choices it has!
<> Ether Vortex and Ether Frost (Gadgets) now have their correct price displayed in Netherium Chaosite as per the price changes! Their price was reduced from 3x Ether Core to 2x Ether Core
<> Ether Vampirism (Device) had its cost reduced from 4x Ether Kernel to 2x, also correctly displays in Netherium Chaosite's description.
<> Added a range 2 part to Pain Harvesting (Passive) vampiric healing effect.
<> Finalised player's abilities (Visual Studio Code writing)
<> Reworked and mainly rearranged the descriptions for success chances, as well as Block, Dodge, Evasion and Elusive.
<> Readjusting Ailment application chances into special success chances.
<> Attack abilities for enemies now have Tags, showing Block / Dodge rate, whether they are unblockable (*0), normally blockable / dodgeable (*2) or easily blockable / dodgeable (*1).
<> Increased Peasant's Liquor success chance debuff per stack from -3% to -5%.
<> Converted Peasant Female's Craft Cure Tincture's Negative Effect cure chance from 188% default success chance into 88% special success chance.
<> Increased Cutthroat Male's Poisoned aplication chance from 25% piercing to 47% special.
<> Gave Male Cutthroats the ability to also steal 1x of any Crafted items from player's inventory. Steal ability is no longer Hidden Effect, but rather Stealth-cast.
<> Adding Tags to the abilities of all Minor foes.
<> Changed Militia Male's Combat Stimulant, as well as Rözantróffa's Special. Latter was classified as Favor, increased it's possible duration based on Ailments removed (base 2 + 1 / Ailment removed).
<> Buffed Hallowed Witch's Passive "Hallowed Light" to also grant a 3 HP Shield for each enemy AND ally affected with her abilities, stacking. Added a Shield limit (300).
<> Hallowed Witch's Healing Signet (Spell) also converts 1 Ailment on target (either self or ally) once every 2 casts now.
01.03.2023 - 03.04.2023
<> Corrected variables for the property set-up of each character. Multiple mistakes and crashes, copy paste from the backup.
<> Multiple rewritings and rearangements of the variables into an eventual final form.
<> Added a new variable under the Actions class to show how many attacks per round each character can. Minor foes all can attack once for now and player twice.
<> Added a new variable under the Stats class to show whether the target is healing_prohibited or not.
<> Corrected Peasant Female's ability description for Crafted Cure Tincture by removing the Application Speed tag.
<> Corrected "Cloak and Dagger" ability's description to remove the funky "double damage" part, which was confusing. Replaced with 200% ATK ratio instead.
<> Added 10 Mana Cost to "Steal" for Cutthroat Male, as well as the CD and Mana Cost Tags in its description (were missing).
<> Cutthroat Female remains with Mana Cost 20 for "Steal", and CD 2.
<> Corrected Cutthroat Female's Passive effect "Flanking" by rewriting the word "attacking" in red each time to showcase it as the intended key-word "Attacking", as intended. Passive works only for her Attack ability.
<> just like yesterday, corrected some abilities' descriptions to be less confusing.
<> Buffed Duelist Female's Waltz Warp (Elite ability) to automatically convert Blindness on cast.
<> Added Cast Special Success Chance to each of Potionmeister's Potions. (Potion Tossing acts as casting, and will be a 100% special chances effect).
<> Added Cast Success Chances to Hallowed Witch.
<> Hallowed Witch's ability Healing Smite now also targets self alongside an ally and an enemy. It automatically converts 1 Ailment from self and chosen ally, and has 45% special success chance to corrupt 1 Positive Effect from chosen foe.
<> Created Potions that all Minor Foes are able to Craft, so that they can keep their Main Phases active.
<> Created 2 new abilities for Potionmeister: Cornucopia (Passive) and Empower (Attack). Potionmeisters have 0 ATK anyways.
<> With the addition of the Potions for all Minor Foes, Hallowed Witch's Passive "Hallowed Light" triggers only from non-Crafted ones, therefore only from abilities that are usable during the Engage Phase. (would've been too op otherwise)
<> Player's Status Effects each last 3 rounds now.
<> Rearranged Movement Arrows' resolution several times, and therefore rearranged their screen position.
<> Adjusted player's Arrow Movement system to the octodirectional plan (always intended). All checkers added for movement (Stealth is on its way).
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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