A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - BiMonthly Log #12 (no video) - 16.03.2024 - 31.03.2024 (BiMonthly Updated)
16.03 - 31.03.2024
<> Removed a redundant event that would use the same switch as other events and caused lag due to a lack of wait timer.
> Also fixed issue where there was lag at the beginning of game only in Difficulties 4 and 5 (they lacked the wait timer).
<> Replaced a few global switches with self switches for small events, corrected each case in the code.
<> Changed the appearance of Alpha Nemesis and her 3 initial clones.
<> Removed the 3 "initial clones" that player would meet, replacing them entirely with the actual 3 clones that the player has to meet.
> This means there are 3 less characters in the game, placing a bit of emphasis on the clones that the player would fight in turn as well as removing 3 unneeded characters.
<> A bit of map redrawing, removing the 4 tile high windows, since it would make no sense to have them 4 tiles tall while everything else was just 2.
<> Fixed a few movement related issues, with player being blocked here and there.
<> Solved the resolution problem of the 2nd dialogue event (player - protagonist). Export program suddenly changed its export resolution and I did not notice it.
> Exported each picture again with correct resolution. Funnily though, antagonist's textbox is slightly larger than protagonist, though same picture resolution and same box design. XD
<> Deleted and gave up on the idea of the "Secret Tunnel" for Difficulties 4 and 5. Was a good idea to take the player by surprise, however it was redundant.
<> Assigning a global variable to an algorithm to be created that will deal with all common effects needed, like range finding for effects, what effects will trigger per action, etc.
> (all in 1 single common event, which will apply per map. Or the algorithm will be triggered as Parallel on each map, though lag issues are expected).
> Global Variable 138.
<> Corrected player's Gadget skills to the modern version in both Encyclopedia picture form and Skill Effect form.
> Changed the picture of Ether Frostshield.
> Changed the Gadget skills to the new names in the game code for Encyclopedia (skills' properties were changed a while ago when they effect reworked occured).
> Replaced all corresponding pictures where needed.
<> Corrected issue with smaller resolution pictures in Protagonist - Demonette dialogue.
> Corrected an issue where a property name was loaded instead of a bust image name.
<> Recreated the last few quotes for Protagonist - Demonette dialogue in ComiPo! since they were missing. Most likely a wrong save from memory stick (older backup) upon the laptop (newest version).
<> Created events and animations for the flames that Clone X will throw at player. Gave them the proper code.
<> Created sword events for Clone Y and Antagonist, created their code as well.
<> Corrected an incorrect script within Alpha Nemesis (mistype).
<> Corrected the part where player smiles through plugin command but the smile is not removed. :3
<> Fixed all the Balloon Icons' IDs for the 2 dialogue events (I remembered wrongly that their IDs start from 0, instead they start from 1 - exclamation mark is 1, question mark is 2, etc.).
<> Created the buttons for Jump to Start and Jump to End during Dialogue Events 1 (Runner) and 2 (Antagonist).
<> Added new tile pictures for map and conducted a huge map rework (visually).
<> Deleted some of the old, redundant events.
<> Clarification: any effect that removes target's Aura will remove both present as well, though plural form is not specified.
> This would trigger only when Distichous is active on target and they are enveloped in 2 Aura effects.
<> Added properties for Crafting and Transactions to limit them finally to 1 per Phase, as intended.
> Added for minor foes and player.
> Player has Vision that can be used outside of Phase action limitations, yet it has a CD in Player Actions file.
<> Undertook description changes for many of these.
> They have the same functionality, yet easier to read effects, less confusion in them.
<> Effect description changes performed for:
>> Buff: Atychiphobia, Clear Minded, Divine Armor, Nora's Grace, Nora's Veil, Mini Prayer to Dora,
Simplicity, Quickness, Soundhardened, Refresh, Thornbound,
>> Debuff: Photophobia, Pyrophobia, Pathophobia, Chronophobia, Necrophobia, Disoriented, Befoul,
Weakened, Thornstruck, Hindered, Enfeebled,
>> Utility: Protective Nature, Hexweaver, Nora's Temple, Purified, Stability, Impecable Defense,
>> Dark Utility: Autophobia, Clumsy, Chronophobia, Guilt, Corrupt Fluids,
>> Favor: Photophobia, Prosophilia, Protective Nature,
>> Dark Favor: Deathly Horizon, Corrupt, Defiled, Quickness, Blightfulness, Dark Flattery,
Trial of Pain: Feebleness, Trial of Pain: Self-Sabotage,
<> Atychiphobia (Debuff) no longer removes 1 general Potion and Rune.
<> Deleted Minor Effects Autophobia (both). Removing the concept of Race as a parameter, kind of redundant.
<> Dystychiphobia (Dark Utility) was made a hidden effect.
<> Dystychiphobia (Dark Favor) removed extra chances to trigger Confusion effects. Now automatically applies Confusion on a failed Block / Dodge instead of Staggered.
> This was done in order to keep Mini Effects short and precise on their function.
<> Distichous (Favor) changes: Auras on target no longer lose "Field Trigger", too many exceptions needed to write for Aura gain code.
> Replaced remaining effect with gaining a 20 Shield of the corresponding Element based on each Aura gained.
> Corrected specific properties.
<> Wiccaphobia (Dark Favor) effect shortened. Removed "Countermeasures" gain.
> Increased damage from +15% to +20% versus those specific Profession archetypes.
> Changed effect to grant max HP when also dealing Loss of Life, not only damage.
> Adjusted description from "Siphon" to "Omni-Siphon", to suit its true functionality.
<> Deliverance (Dark Favor) removed Earth damage effect to make the effect shorter.
> Deliverance (Dark Favor) and Mind Freeze (Dark Utility) now have smaller description boxes.
<> Xenophobia (Utility) effect shortened: removed "Shield persists beyond duration end" effect.
<> Xenophobia (Dark Favor) effect shortened: removed "Attacks destroy Shields" effect, a bit overpowered for a Mini Effect, though rarely used.
> Increased max HP per Ailment applied from 1 to 2.
> Xenophobia (Utility) and Xenophobia (Dark Favor) now have smaller description boxes.
> Adjusted changes within their properties' file.
<> Clear Minded (Buff) effect shortened, now prevents each of the 3 effects' application, just like originally, except description shows this in shorter text.
> Reapplication now resets the effect entirely, any already prevented effects can be reset again if reapplied.
> Added the necessary properties.
<> Befoul (Debuff) now automatically applies Heal-Lock when chances succeed.
<> Token of Mindfulness (Favor) grants each of those bonuses when taking damage, no longer gaining either of the previously 2 separated effects based on the damage Type received (Physical / Elemental).
<> Elemental Disorder (Dark Utility) is no longer bound to Elemental Types (didn't make any sense), effect shortened, same functionality.
<> Flourish (Utility) no longer increases allies' ATK as well, only personal. Effect shortened.
<> Healing Nature (Utility) healing increased from 12 to 20. Settled changes in property file as well.
<> Peaceful Nature (Utility) enemy ATK debuff increased from -8 to -12. Rewrote effect to make easier sense.
> Settled changes in property file as well.
<> Created 2 new Mini Effects: Blessed (Buff) and Seal (Dark Favor).
> Removed the buffs that would be gained through Blessed (Utility), that would mean extra properties that count global situations.
> Blessed (Buff) prevents Ailment removal.
<> Curseweaver (Utility) no longer has stacks that are gainable per Resilience stack (usually improbable to happen, or AI has to be programmed a lot for this).
> Now grants +20 Omni-Shield upon trigger.
<> Nora's Purity (Utility) had its twisted effect shortened and made easier to function.
> When caster heals self / allies in range 3, each affected unit loses 1 Debuff.
<> Dora's Boon (Dark Favor) no longer deals the damage part. Effect shortened, fits on 2 lines.
<> Boredom (Dark Favor) effect shortened, removed the positive effects that target would gain on this effect's end.
> The description was confusing as to whether the caster or the target would gain these on ability end. Deleted to remove confusing aspect.
<> Greedrush (Player) (Dark Favor) grants +2 Ether Cores on Crafting 1 instead of 1 and 50% chance for another 1.
<> Dora's Solace (Buff) removed range 1 effect.
<> Nora's Unity (Utility) effect change.
<> Dora's madness (Dark Favor) now steals the boon instead of replicating it (automatically removes it from target).
<> Nora's Recluse (Utility) no longer grants Advanced Stealth if target's HP is above 40%.
<> Dora's Expansion (Dark Favor) was added 1 round duration, since its +1 range effect for next ability cast would make no sense outside of it.
> Heal +1 CD is now an End Effect instead of Application effect.
<> Nora's Innocence (Favor) changes: removed stack mechanic, only prevents next application.
> No longer gain stacks on application, remaining Application effect converted to End Effect (max HP healing part).
> Corrected properties in minor foes' algorithm, Mini Effects' general properties and player's properties.
<> Dora's Gift (Dark Favor) effect description change, same functionality.
<> Nora's Protection (Favor) now automatically grants Stealth.
<> Dora's Outburst (Utility) - added range 3 for Knockback to show the intended push back range. Increased it from the initial 2 (though not specified) to 3.
<> Dora's Wisdom (Dark Favor) no longer increases next ability's duration by +1 round.
<> Nora's Peace (Utility) also disables Crafting and converts now all Action Points and Attack Points owned currently into 30 healing each.
> This healing cannot be prevented / converted.
<> Created 2 new Dark Favor effects: "Soul Frying" and "Black Plague", 2nd one having a Spread mechanic.
> The 2 counter1 another.
<> Added missing properties for newest Minor Effects to player and minor foes.
> Corrected a few ID assignment mistakes as well as name mistakes.
<> Nora's Abundance (Utility) grants 1 Potion of Healing / trigger instead of 20% of damage dealt. I really don't need more properties to record damage.
<> Added properties for Dora's Abundance (Dark Favor) in both player's and Minor Effects' files.
> Added duration property and a property for showing whether it triggered its effect or not, in preparation for the final trigger during next round.
<> Liberation's Embrace (Utility) changed entirely:
> removed +100 max HP during duration (wasn't specified that it's only for duration, but lacks "permanently" keyword, which hints at this).
> No longer grants +30 Omni-Shield.
> Removed Application Effect.
> Can now be Sacrificed (somewhat newer mechanic for effects) in order to gain 1x Potion of Invigoration and 1x Potion of Clarity.
> Sacrifice means removing 1 specific effects, also instantly triggering any End Effect(s) it has.
> No longer reduces Ailments' duration by -1 as duration effect, this has become its end effect (was a bit powerful for a Minor Effect that was supposed to be simple).
> No longer sets Ailments' duration to 0 if target has Purified.
> Set all its property changes.
<> Growth now also has a Sacrifice effect as well, granting 40 healing.
> Also grants +2 permanent ATK as End Effect effect.
> Converted its Removal Effect into End Effect, to correctly have the ability function.
> Clarification: "Removal" means when it does not end normally, being ended by another effect.
> Clarification: "End Effect" triggers when the effect / ability ends by ANY means possible.
> Has many mini-effects, but the Sacrifice mechanic is worth it to make sense with its indefinite duration.
<> Aged (Debuff) received a consume effect, which can only be triggered by foes instead.
> Consuming ends the effect, just like Sacrifice, and applies a unique effect (either on target, on consumer or both).
> Converted its Removal Effect into End Effect, to correctly have the ability function.
> Clarification: Sacrifice is a personal effect, consume is either personal or from other targets (usually foes, but can trigger from allies). When done, both can have unique effects triggered.
> Clarification: Minor Effects with "Sacrifice" in effect will be prioritised when any effect triggers that would consume own Minor Effects (like Potions' effects).
<> Quickness (Dark Favor) - added property for player that will showcase (when applied to player) which of the enemies applied it on player.
> Performed in order to trigger its effect correctly.
<> Holy Splinters (Debuff) Physical damage increased from 6 to 8 per tile moved.
> Also offered explanation that the word "moved" (in this particular effect) also refers to effects that cause movement (like Knockback).
> Removed the different damages dealt to target depending on its Class (too few effects Class-related, declared redundant).
> Also gained a "Can be consumed" effect, the foe who consumes this automatically cures Crippled.
<> Holy Retribution (Buff) gained a Sacrifice effect that deals Holy damage in range 2.
<> Thornstruck (Debuff) effect rewrite, corrected all its properties, adjusted them to the new effect from the older version.
<> Staggered (Debuff) reworked completely, gained a "consume by foes" effect (range 3).
> Arranged within the property file.
<> Leech (Dark Favor) reworked entirely: vampiric heal 1% of target's max HP when damaging them.
> Also was added a Sacrifice effect to it that automatically steals a non-stacking Boon.
> Old effect would've been annoying to code. Corrected corresponding properties.
> No longer a hidden effect.
<> Ward (Buff) granted a Sacrifice effect that grants 20 Omni-Shield to self and allies in range 2.
> Made more complex, yes, but it fits the name. Settled properties.
<> Fragility (Debuff) reworked entirely since giving a Minor Effect the power to remove boons would be too much for Them.
> Increases damage taken by target by +20% and gains a Sacrifice effect as well, to add in line with this effect.
<> Stoneflesh (Buff) removed the extra damage reduction if in Earth Aura (total -30 would've been too good for a Minor Effect).
> Added Sacrifice effect.
> If enveloped in Earth Aura on gain, then duration increases by +1 round.
<> Regeneration (Buff) reworked entirely to remove the monstrosity of a "Minor Effect" that its effect was, though appealing.
> Preserved the effect's description for further use as an ability (placed in a different location).
> No longer is stack based, heals per Buff gain.
> Gained a Sacrifice effect. Adjusted all corresponding properties for player, foes and general property files.
<> Poisoned (Dark Utility) effect changed entirely. Adjusted properties.
<> Mind Poison (Dark Favor) effect rework, old effect preserved for future use.
> Applies Weakness and can be consumed now.
<> Mind Siphon (Dark Favor) reworked: removed stacks, no longer deals Loss of Life.
> Heals any foe hitting target with Psychic / Chaos damage.
> Gained a consume effect.
> Corrected and removed properties where needed.
<> Freezing (Debuff) no longer increases Cast Speed for next ability (hard to code, in a way, or a lot of code may be needed)
> Frozen damage dealt increased from 8 to 14.
<> Trial of Pain: Self-Doubt no longer automatically applies when the 3 effects were active of the same time.
> Added properties for this effect for player and minor foes (were missing entirely).
<> Finalised Minor Effects rework and changes.
> Created pictures and description boxes for each new Minor Effect created.
<> Finalised Buff rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
<> Finalised Debuff rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
<> Finalised Dark Favor rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
> Corrected all description errors and keyword color errors.
<> Finalised Utility rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
<> Finalised Dark Utility rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
<> Finalised Favor rework picture changes, applied all changes in all property files. Corrected all picture mistakes.
> Corrected all description errors and keyword color errors.
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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