A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - Monthly Log #19 (no video) - 01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024
After 2 weeks of lethargy due to multitasking constantly for like 4 months or so before, I did get some good progress, even if the change log isn't probably looking like great changes (yet again, I am the only one who knows what these things below mean XD). Change log:
<> RULE: Omni Shield was set to have no limit due to some effects easily exceeding it.
> Limit remains for the Elemental Mini Shields (usually it's 50).
<> Added (almost) all property changes in protagonist's corresponding Common Event location (same CE: 352, yet they follow a certain order).
<> Created a few ideas of profession-related Passives (1 for each): branch and main.
<> Reworking properties of characters: adjusting them into specific and common.
<> Added missing properties to characters, deleted a few redundant ones.
<> Created a new file with the max limitations.
> This has lead to the removal of thousands of properties from each character, thanks to the algorithm.
> Created a set of properties that will represent the amount of preventions each character has available.
<> Cast Failure is an older term that includes Interrupt now, since Interrupt, as a topic is hanging for now (Doesn't have a fixed mechanic).
<> RULE: a new mechanic was added, called "Prevention". This stacks corresponding values to counter harmful actions.
> Those values all reset at the end of the round, to prevent stacking too many.
> Adjusting all effects to new mechanic, changing effects.
> Effects that last 2 rounds or more give these values during each Introductory Phase now.
> Consequently, through this mechanic, abilities that grant such Preventions no longer need to have a duration.
> This mechanic was created to prevent having to create rigurously long codes that would have to check the existence of dosens of possible counter abilities. This way, only the Prevents are checked.
> Removal of Prevention attempts is always automatic.
> Preventions only trigger versus non-automatic removals (for Ailments / boons / Hexes / Curses)!
> Above mentioned Preventions are automatic, yet cannot trigger versus automatic application / prevention (prevention of a prevention).
<> RULE: Departed foes also act as "defeated"!
> Departed and defeated foes cannot be affected by effects, except Environmentals, defeated timer manipulators and Revival / resurrect effects.
<> RULE: Prevention effects do not prevent the EFFECT itself (the ability) but the specific effect they would apply and which the Prevent Effect can counters.
> Prevention effects do NOT affect the source effects in any way, except for NOT ALLOWING the effect they counter to apply.
<> RULE: Mini Effects, Negative Effects applied during the End Phase are triggered AFTER the duration reduction!
<> RULE: Ability Failure Prevent triggers even when an ability would fail due to cast chances!
<> RULE: Deep Wounds Apply Prevent does not trigger when there are 5 Bleeding stacks and Deep Wounds applies automatically.
> Deep Wounds Apply Prevent only triggers versus regular applications!
<> RULE: Prevents / Prevents also affect the corresponding Mini Effects (same for all other boons / Ailments):
> e.g. Regeneration Removal Prevent protects against both Regeneration's (boon) and Regeneration's (Buff) removal.
<> RULE: Resistance Decrease Prevent / Resistance Increase Prevent affect any number of simultaneous such changes! <!> kind of only exception <!>
<> Removed the RULE according to which characters can gain 1x Aura per Phase.
> Aura effect triggers in Fields is still limited to 1x per Phase, hence why the above isn't important.
<> Combo Disruptor effect now applies Casting Disabled (1 Phase) to all foes in range 1 instead of its previous useless effect.
<> Combo Breaker reworked to automatically apply Battered and Shattered (1 round) and also dicard foes' Aura (range 1).
< Minor characters changes >
<> Militia Witch - ATK reduced from 75 to 60 (in accordance to max ATK value changes).
<> Duelist Female - ATK reduced from 80 to 70 (in accordance to max ATK value changes).
< Minor Effects changes >
<> Effect rewrite for easier understanding:
> Buff: Mist, Vigor, Vapor, Ambidextruous, Fired-Up, Superiority.
> Debuff: Prosophobia, Stun,
<> Prevent value related:
> Buff: Clear Minded, Atychiphobia, Purified, Regeneration, Reverse Aggression.
> Debuff: Refresh, Inner Collapse, Dora's Forsight, Ruination, Chronophobia,
> Dark Utility: Unfettered Cloak, each Distortion of the X,
> Utility: Protection, Adaptive, Dora's Outburst, Dora's Outburst (player), Dora's Clarity,
> Favor: Photophobia, Nora's Protection, Nora's Flow,
> Dark Favor: Dora's Boon, Dora's Grace, Iron Will, Trial of Pain: Self-Sabotage,
> Scourge: Alvdesh, Brechvam, Despoil,
* Clear Minded and Purified (Buffs), Dora's Boon (Dark Favor) did not have their effect description changed, however their properties were adapted to the new mechanic.
<> Effect changes:
> Thorns (Buff) damage Type changed to Thorns from Physical (suits name).
> Thorn's Boon (Buff) no longer grants Physical Resistance, Auras give +10% to their corresponding Element.
> Mini Prayer to Nora (Buff) removed "permanently gain +8 max HP / remaining Ailment" due to potential powercreep.
> Grants less per Potion drunk.
> Bark Skin (Buff) Fire damage reduction increased from -4 to -8.
<> Depression (Debuff) no longer removes Potions, but reduces ATK.
> Confusion (Debuff) created effect description and picture.
<> Corrupt (Dark Favor) no longer removes Debuffs on self, but removes Buffs on target.
> Vampirise (Dark Favor) no longer self applied, it is applied on foes. When they are struck, their aggressors vampirise target's max HP.
> Changed its Sacrifice effect to allow target to vampiric heal 1% of its foes' max HP (deserving their name of Dark Favor - grants an advantage at the cost of possibly giving the enemy an edge).
> Dark Flattery (Dark Favor) reduced Loss of Life dealt and also added a max that can be dealt.
> Mind Siphon (Dark Flattery) duration set to 1 round from none.
<> Ochlophobia (Utility) added a max +30% (max 3 targets taken into account).
> Martyr (Utility) imposed a maximum of 2 Ailment removed per ally (instead of all).
> Max max HP reduced permanently increased to 32 from 24.
> Mending Nature (Utility) healing increased from 3 to 13. Rewrote effect for better coherence, realigned in description box for easier reading.
<> Healing Nature (Utility) created description box and menu picture (were missing).
<> Dora's Madness (Dark Favor) inflicts more max HP loss (self) and has a 1x / Phase limit imposed.
<> Vampirism (Dark Favor) now vampirises HP
<> Fear (Ailment) - removed duration stated in description.
<> Distortion of the Arcane (Dark Utility) rework: now also removes target's Arcane Aura and deals 12 Loss of Life.
<> Distortion of the Thorn (Dark Utility) created description box and menu picture (were missing).
<> Distortion of the Light (Dark Utility) created description box and menu picture (were missing).
<> Convergence effect rewrite to correct spelling. Added new term for clarification.
<> Heart of Grief (Dark Utility) also applies when target gains Scourges (Mini Effect).
<> Adaptive (Utility) no longer has stacks, adapted to newer mechanics.
<> Dora's Grace (Dark Favor) no longer has duration.
<> Nora's Innocence (Favor) changed to prevent the application of EACH of the 4 Types of effects instead of the first among them.
> Specified in description that there is a max of 10 stacks (was not mentioned, but it existed).
<> Nora's Protection (Favor) no longer has duration, also prevents next 2 damage instances and Loss of Life instances.
<> Dora's Gift (player) (Utility) prevents next 2 damage instances instead of 1.
<> Nora's Flow (Favor) also grants 22 Mana per trigger.
<> Nora's Peace (Utility) no longer has a duration, same effect, yet specified that the 2 Disabilities it applies have a 1 round duration (duration was redundant).
> Continuous effects that would keep other effects active can make the code even harder when it comes to exceptions.
<> Nora's Clairvoyance (Utility) no longer has a duration, also applies Untouchable +1 and Unaware -2 - Unaware prevents anti-Steals and Untouchable prevents Steal effects.
<> Dora's Clarity (Utility) no longer has a duration, no longer prevents Debilitated (Debuff), yet also prevents next Blindness and Deep Wounds as well.
<> Mini Prayer to Nora (Buff) description keyword color correction.
<> Stability (Buff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic, rewrote description to suit it, changed its properties correspondingly and its description makes more sense now.
<> Ward (Buff) no longer ends after trigger, prevents next 2 damage instances. Omni Shield granted increased from 20 to 30.
<> Regeneration (Buff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic, rewrote description, same effect.
<> Iron Will (Favor) adapted to new Prevent mechanic, rewrote description, same effect.
> No longer has stacks.
<> Purified (Utility) did not undergo any description change, was let as is, also it's part of the Prevent mechanic.
<> Stability (Utility) no longer has duration, same effect.
<> Purity (Buff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic, no longer has stacks, applies its Prevents both on application round and during next Introductory Phase.
<> Pure Blood (Buff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic and applies its Prevents both on application round and during next Introductory Phase.
<> Reverse Aggression (Buff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic and applies its Prevents both on application round and during next Introductory Phase.
> On each trigger, also inflicts a new Disability on all foes in range 2 (to better deserve its name).
<> Devoid (Debuff) no longer has a duration and applies Ailment Remove Prevent +5 & Boon Apply Prevent +5.
> No longer entirely prevents Ailment removal and boon gain, making it easier t odeal with (although the +5 is quite a lot (for 1 round) anyways).
<> Alvdesh, Brechvam, Despoil (Scourges) effect rewrite, same function.
<> Each Distortion effect (Dark Utility) was adapted to the new mechanic effect-wise.
> Distortion of the Thorn damage increased on trigger from 10 to 23, damage Type changed to Thorn (to better match name).
<> Fragility (Debuff) no longer removes target's Aura, yet deals Pierce damage (Chaos) instead of Psychic damage.
> Pierce damage removes target's Aura on hit, so the effect remains the same.
<> Inner Collapse (Debuff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic, deals 20 Wave damage instead.
<> Dora's Forsight (Debuff) adapted to new Prevent mechanic.
<> Dummy, Clumsy (Dark Utilities) adapted to new Prevent mechanic.
> Dummy no longer prevents non-Craft abilities, it prevents ANY cast.
<> Trial of Pain: Self-Sabotage (Dark Favor) effect change, adapted to new Prevent mechanic.
> Triggers its effects for each Prevent of its kind triggered, instead of just for the 1st ability of any kind.
> Stat reductions are permanent now, making this Dark Favor earn its name better.
<> Protection no longer has stacks, being part of the Prevent mechanic.
> Therefore, Dora's Abundance (Dark Favor) effect got corrected. :)
<> Dora's Boon (Dark Favor) no longer has a duration. Effect adapted to new Prevent mechanic.
> No longer deals damage based on target's being in a Psychic Field or not (redundant).
> Max HP reduce decreased 20 > 15.
<> Illusion of Strength no longer grants max HP permanently.
> Grants less max HP and ATK per stack instead, all lost at the end (deserves its name).
> Loss of Life inflicted reduced from 80 to 45.
<> Hexweaver and Curseweaver (Utilities) effect updated to new Prevent mechanic. No function change.
<> Nora's Temple and Nora's Recluse (Utilities) effect updated to new Prevent mechanic. No function change.
<> Intimidating (Buff) removed max HP requirements, Ailment chance reduction.
<> Nora's Tranquility (Favor) - buffed to "Heal 7 HP when being applied a Debuff, Ailment, Scourge or Disability. Gain 7 Mana when being applied a boon, Buff or Enforcer. Lasts 1 round."
> Changes applied to description effect and replaced old one with the new version.
<> Mini Effects that received their missing properties: Ruination (Debuff).
<> Effects that no longer have a duration:
> Debuff: Devoid.
> Utility: Protected, Nora's Peace, Nora's Clairvoyance, Dora's Clarity, Purified, Stability.
> Dark Utility: Unfettered Cloak.
> Favor: Photophobia, Nora's Protection.
> Dark Favor: Dora's Grace, Dora's Boon.
<> Finalised the rework, property correction and addition of any element needed for each Mini Effect in the game.
<> Finalised the creation of all the damage sub-Types and their effects, also created an explanatory diagram that will be added to the Encyclopedia.
<> Created a new effect, named "Multiplex", where a damage Type is also treated as at least 1 sub-Type (just for their effects to trigger).
> The actual damage Type remains the default one, there is no change to it.
<> Started working on the Prevention Effects' descriptions as well as Protection Effects'.
> They are a different breed of Disabilities and Enforcers that are value-based: these cannot be removed by "Remove 1 Disability"-like effects, only their value can be manipulated: increased or decreased.
> "Disability Apply Prevent" and "Disability Remove Prevent" do not affect these 2 sub-Types!
<> Created a new such effect called "Untouchable" - prevents Stealing against self.
<> Revival Prohibited (Disability) changed to "Cannot use Revival abilities", since defeated and Departed foes cannot be affected by any effect (except Revival ones).
<> Buff Ward (Ward) effect buffed - also adds Buff Remove Prevent 1 and heals when any Buff is gained.
> The resource generation can trigger max 2x per round now.
<> Revealed (Disability) also set Stealth Remove Prevent to 0.
< Xandaara the Wise changes >
< Passives >
<> Void Breach Bazaar - Transaction 3 no longer grants Ultimate Energy +1, grants next ability [Combo Amplify] instead.
<> Hex-Fluxfield Progenitor - changed the description of Advanced Protection Ward and Tatarvunar's Embrace to adjust them to the new mechanic.
> This made sure that only 1 of the effects is a continuous effect (these can prove annoying to code).
> Advanced Protection Ward overwrites Combo Fields into Earth Field now (was Chaos Field).
> Added all the properties needed in the Environmentals file (variable 1000).
> Corrected this Passive's properties within protagonist's properties.
< Attacks >
<> Cinderstrike deals Cinder damage instead of Cinder.
<> Shocking Advance no longer teleports to deal Lightning damage in range, instead is a dash in straight line.
> Deals Spark damage instead.
<> Harness Inner Majesty damage Type changed from Chaos to Pierce (Chaos sub-Type).
<> Harness Ether Resonance no longer steals 2 boons and grant Psychic Resistance in an attempt to reduce the overbloatedness of some abilities.
> Added missing properties to the ability.
<> Netherwarp lost its Transcendence Level 4 effect, gained a new Transcendence Level +2.
> Gained the Multiplex effect, adding sub-Types "Spark" and "Pierce".
< Operations >
<> Karmic Retribution no longer grants Retribution +10 if an Attack hits target, since Attacks reduces it by 20 to trigger Passive effect.
> Damage increased from 25 to 42.
<> Karmic Retribution - removed the Transcendence effects to reduce effect size and complexity.
<> Twisted Mercy - damage changed from 25 to 25 +5 per Debuff on target.
> Secondary damage Type changed from Chaos to Pierce.
<> Alfalthsalm - changed damage Type from Fire to Cinder.
<> Bethalthstamsalm - Removed first 2 effects.
<> Deltandjoltstam Crippled and Weakness apply prevent as first effect instead of previous effect.
<> Stolstamskorsigma'a - changed Debuff removal intro Debuff Prevent mechanic.
< Obstructions >
<> Coral Grief - Also deal 52 Geo damage now (to introduce the new damage sub-Types in the game).
> Slight effect rewriting for better coherence.
<> Crimson Defiance - Also added Aura removal Prevent +2.
<> Flourishing Expanse - removed Transcendence Level +2 and +3 effects.
> Transcendence Level 4 gains Combo Disruptor and CD reduced from 8 to 4.
<> Cerulean "Gateway" (Device) removed Transcendence Level 4 effect.
<> Amethyst Iridescence - damage increased from 54 to 66.
> Removed last 2 effects (the Mark related ones), yet they were moved to a new Potion created.
> CD reduced from 4 to 3.
< Gadgets >
<> Added HIDDEN as needed effect to each Gadget (as intended for them to be).
<> Explained the meaning of HIDDEN effect for Gadgets within Craftcrazed (Passive).
<> Ether Flame Web no longer has Combo Amplify (redundant on this ability).
<> Ether Warp Vortex - no longer requires teleporting to a Remodulon in range 3.
> Damage dealt increased from 30 to 42, changed Type to Cinder.
> Removed Transcendence Level effects (to simplify effect), reduced CD from 4 to 3.
> Increased last damage ratio from 40% to 60%, changed damage type to Pierce.
> Teleport range increased by 1 to compensate the Transcendence effects removal (revert to previous form).
<> Ether Harvest's Void Shroud gain ratio increased from 50% to 80%.
< Essences >
<> Adapted all properties to the new effects.
<> Corrected all keyword mistakes in effect descriptions.
<> Minor description rewriting.
< Hexes >
<> Befouling Adamant - corrected description to remove confusing effect.
<> Enfeebling Vortex - removed duration, acts as a 1 time effect (except 2nd Improve effect, which still doesn't need a duration counter).
> CD reduced from 5 to 4.
> Moved Enfeebled application to base effect.
> Plagueshare, Devoid and Painsharing are applied through first Improve effect now. Improve Effect cost increased to 1 Ether Kernel instead of 1 Ether Core.
<> Hexual Harassment - removed duration, acts as a 1 time effect.
<> Added 6 new Hex abilities that do not have Transcendence Level prerequisite, being simpler effects.
> These are available from start and do not Spread.
> These revolve around the newer Prevent mechanic.
> All their properties have been created in player's file and also added for the foes.
< Elemental Spells >
<> Spark of Interest - damage Type if last condition is true has been changed to "Spark".
<> Frozen Waste - no longer overwrites tiles into Death Field.
<> Divine Descant - removed secondary damage effect.
<> Added 10 new Elemental Spells: 5 of them can be used since Transcendence Level 1, the other 5 have Transcendence Level 2 requirement.
> This allows protagonist's spellbook to be broader at earlier levels.
> These 10 new abilities are simpler and are not related to Elemental-Infusions or Marks.
< Talismans >
<> Trat'l-ura'sman - Reworked to "Gain Protection (Distortion, 1 round) - Cannot take damage higher than own ATK."
<> Trat'l-amr'sman - reworked to "Cure 1 Disability effect (except the Prevention sub Type - e.g. Healing Prohibited +X / -X)."
> No longer grants Action Points / Movement Points / free Ether Cores.
< Potions >
<> Added 8 new general Potions (protagonist specific) that have much simpler effects.
<> Added the CD-related missing property to each of the older Potions.
< Marks >
<> Trying to induce more synergy with the other main characters rather than protagonist have synergy in between own abilities.
<> Finalised protagonist's abilities' adapting to the newest effects.
<> Deleted multiple instances of duplicate properties.
<> Moved Environmental-related properties from Actions to Stats files.
< Nora the Pure changes >
<> Asarayírnachman (Meditation) effect rewritten.
<> Life Transfer and Flow Transfer (Transferance) - removed the quirky description about minimum heal being 10, replaced it with a more coherent description.
> Flow Transfer gained a Multiplex effect.
<> Designating names to abilities without one.
<> Harmony ability set had its final description revised.
> Slight changes, like replacing Gift of Communion's max HP and healing with Team Shield to prevent increasing of max HP too much. Team Shield is also a new mechanic.
> Gift of Restoration also removes Heal-Lock now.
> Added name to those abilities lacking one.
> Holy Retaliation - added duration to its own Infusion and also a max to the Holy Reflect that can be gained.
<> Abundance ability line had their cost adjusted from 1 Harmony to 1 Abundance (old copy-paste mistake).
<> Adjusted numerous "Tunneling Network" abilities to trigger their effect more often, to justify its duration, instead of an initial application effect and then end.
> Several modifications to effects' descriptions to make more sense. Also several effect tweaks here and there.
<> Tether Spells' cost was changed from 10 Mana per Phase into 20 Mana payed during the Introductory Phase.
> Tether Spells' cast cost reduced from 25 Mana to 15 and Maintenance Cost from 20 to 10 Mana. This should make them easier to handle for the caster.
<> Pulse Burst abilities have been decided to only be castable on allies, not on self. It was a possibility.
<> Bubble Ward ability line's CDs reduced from 5 to 4.
> Bubble of Harmony reduced the max HP reduced from -12 to -8.
> Changed effect of Bubble of Preservation to grant stacks on Disability gain and convert that many Disabilities instead of up to 3.
<> Finalised Nora the Pure's ability properties.
<> Finalised Nora the Pure's stats' properties - allied characters will have ALL properties in their files, only the foes will use the Algorithm.
> Deleted many duplicate properties, assigned the correct values for Nora the Pure's own (specific) properties.
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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