A Journey through Consciousness - Facing Alpha Nemesis - BiMonthly Log #10 (no video) - 25.01.2024 - 04.02.2024 (BiMonthly Updated)
Sorry for such a delay, I just kept forgetting, and I also had work and things to handle. Still, here is the main changes performed during this 2 weeks:
25 - 04.02.2024
<> Looking to make an algorithm that will load all the general-modifiable properties for the corresponding enemies instead of having them all occupy space as written code.
<> Above refers to properties specific to all enemies that are common in between (like effects' durations) and not stats which are individually specific.
<> Must differentiate between "disable" (Stun, Knockdown, Knockback, etc.) and "Disable" effects (the "prohibited" effect list).
> Added general Potions properties for Alchemist (Se-j Yyayi-kaara Rözantróffa), as well as Fanatic's supportive abilities' properties.
<> Added player's abilities' effects' properties to Alchemist (Se-j Yyayi-kaara Rözantróffa).
<> Added minor foes' abilities' effects' properties to Alchemist (Se-j Yyayi-kaara Rözantróffa).
<> Added general Potions' and Machinations' properties to Alchemist.
<> Added general Potions properties for Fanatic (Se-j Yyayi-kaara Rözantróffa), as well as Alchemist's supportive abilities' properties.
<> Added player's abilities' effects' properties to Fanatic.
<> Added minor foes' abilities' effects' properties to Fanatic.
<> Added general Potions' and Machinations' properties to Fanatic.
<> Added property for Ward of Protection (general Gadget).
<> Added Machinations' general properties to the PBS Starting Event - variable 970 as decided a while ago - stated in these notes, but the action was not yet performed then, it is finalised now.
<> Added Machinations' specific properties to the PBS Starting Algorithm (so that minor foes can use the Machinations) - variable 970 as decided a while ago - stated in these notes, but the action was not yet performed then, it is finalised now.
<> Reduced Common Event system limit from 500 to 460 - project would crash on any save attempt for the last changes performed.
< ILLUSIONIST REWORK: Character: Yvonne Theilynn Tertillyan >
<> Void Tiles have all been given a 2 rounds duration.
> Corresponding properties have to be added in the code.
<> Twist and Bend Reality (Passive) - added a better description for Void HP.
> Changed description to also state that the 2 actions are treated as "Transactions" and they disregard action limit, they are limited to 1 / Phase.
> Instead of giving -1 CD to all abilities, the 2 Transactions give Celerity instead (same function).
<> Duelist (Passive) changes
> added Tags, weapon swap limit of 1 / Phase.
> provided better explanation to caster's different weapons, provided ATK Range for Scythe and Dagger, now Scythe swipes no longer remove Ailments from foes but remove Buffs.
> Added Scythe ATK Ratio as 110%.
> Dagger ATK Ratio reduced from 84% to 60%.
> Scepter attacks induce 1 Dark Utility and Debuff instead and has 80% ATK Ratio.
> Now attack damage dealt by caster's attacks fill their Void Bar HP.
< Ability changes >
<> Void Field Manipulation (Passive) grants caster bonus Block, Dodge and Aegis while on Void Tiles.
> Added keyword Tags, removed the word "certain" from description.
> Added a CD of 1 round.
<> Baleful Attack was renamed "Baleful Attack (Staff) - can be performed now only if Staff weapon is active.
<> A new ability was created "Baleful Attack (Scepter).
<> Above 2 attacks are different from the base weapon Attacks mentioned in Duelist (Passive).
<> Added a new Passive "Chronometron". Gave them a "market" like ability.
<> Bale (Hex) was given Tags and Resource Cost. It was turned into an instant ability, hidden effect, CD 3 and 1 round duration. it was adapted to modern function by its applying 2 Debuffs on target when its effect triggers.
<> Void Mistress' Benediction (Dimensional Twist) received its Tags, including a CD of 2 rounds. This also includes its Cast Speed and Mana Cost.
<> Distort (Manipulation) had its Tags added, including Shatter Range for the illusion that spawns. Added its Mana Cost, no longer turns the tile caster teleports to in Void Tile, because it blows the caster's ssecret (random) teleport to location.
> Increased the teleport range from 2 to 3 tiles.
<> Corrupt (Manipulation) now affects allies and caster, not just foes. Foe are inflicted 1 Debuff and 1 Dark Favor instead of 2 Ailments.
<> "Vengeance is a Cruel Mistress" (Distortion) - changed Type into Chant, because it is obviously less expectable from an Illusionist character.
> Greatly reduced its description length, removed all mentions of success chances.
> Now applies a bit of its original effect as a new effect of Type "Ominous Reality". This will last as long as the Chant lasts.
> Changed each of the Void Terrain Manipulation's effects into chances to remove base Stealth and add 1 Minor Effect randomly respectively.
<> Void Screeches (Hex) had its Tags added, CD reduced from 7 to 4 and Mana Cost reduced from 35 to 30.
> Untypically to a Hex, it was given a personal effect, which has its own duration, for caster. This effect infuses Void Tiles with an effect.
> It was given a Targeting Range of 4.
> The Hex itself (enemy effect) triggers its effect on Introductory Phase and End Phase (one for each).
<> "I Gladly Step into Madness" (Distortion) changed Type to Chant.
> CD reduced from 8 to 6, duration reduced from 6 rounds to 3.
> No longer permanently increases max HP by +20 but decreases own max HP permanently by -10 as well as -10% own Resistances for the duration.
> Grants Void HP to self and allies in range 3.
> Caster also gains 2 Favors and 1 Utility on cast.
> Void's Grand Madness (Void Tile Infusion) renamed as Void's Instability, to better reflect its name.
> Infusion still has chances to inflict Staggered on foes stepping on Void Tiles but for much lower base chances, yet plus a bonus per active "Ominous Reality" effect caster has active).
> Since Staggered is an Ailment, chances to inflict it shouldn't be too high, since this chance is calculated for each step performed on such tiles.
<> Defile Resources (Manipulation) received its Tags, had its CD reduced from 8 to 5, Mana Cost from 50 to 25 and duration reduced from 6 to 3 rounds.
< "Angel of the Void Mistress" (Elite, Dimensional Twist) received Tags, as well as effect changes and description shortening (lenghiest effect).
<> Devour Pain (Distortion) was renamed to "Feel their Pain" (Chant). Same effect, shortened. Gained Tags.
<> Angel's Grace (Manipulation) received Tags and had its HP cost reduced to 60 from 90, removed extra HP cost per Ascension Level. Ability is improved if Ascended. Psyker's Boon (Buff) is also gained.
<> Calculated Risk (Manipulation) gained Tags, Mana cost reduction from 60 to 35 and CD from 6 to 3. Now grants caster a new Ominous Reality effect.
<> Break Infusion (Dimensional Twist) received Tags, Mana cost reduced from 35 to 20, and CD from 6 to 3.
<> Obliteration ability Type was converted into "Dimensional Sway" ability line, each ability being related to teleporting and dashing.
<> Added a new ability Type named "Silence". Once triggered, these initiate a Shout ability that has its own effects. These Shouts have no CD and do not act as abilities on their own, since they trigger once only per Silence cast.
> 5 such effects have been created.
<> Finalised therefore the rework of the Illusionist, though it still feels partly incomplete.
< Skill Retouches >
<> Twist and Bend Reality (Passive) renamed Twist reality.
> Void HP description adapted to include that it cannot exceed caster's max HP on EACH target possible.
<> Void Mistress' Benediction (Dimensional Twist) no longer transforms an extra random tile in range 2 of caster if a Void Infusion is active, not it grants a Buff, healing and Mana.
<> Void Field Manipulation (Passive) effect changes for bonus stats: no longer gain +30% Block and +20% Dodge, but 66% instead on Void Tiles to be in tune with Elusive effect.
<> Illusionist stat changes: Block reduced from 33% to 10% base, Dodge from 25% to 10%.
<> Chronometron (Passive) - Transaction 4 grants the choice of an Aura effect to gain instead of another CD reduction effect.
<> Duelist (Passive) - stated that each weapon caster can wield deals Chaos damage.
> added Aegis to the list of Defensive Actions (description part of the effect).
<> Baleful Attack (Staff) (Attack) description now includes Psychic Storm's duration of 2 rounds.
<> Baleful Attack (Scepter) (Attack) description change to make effect less confusing.
<> Void Mistress' Benediction (Dimensional Twist) grants Psychic Aura instead of Psyker's Boon (latter is gained each round, during the Introductory Phase).
<> Vengeance is a Cruel Mistress (Chant) - effect description corrections.
<> Void Screeches (Hex) - minor effect description adjust (same functionality).
<> "I Gladly Step into Madness" (Chant) description change to remove possible confusion in Void Infusion's description.
<> Defile Resources (Manipulation) description changes, base chance set to 20 from 10. Chances apply for each Mini Effect in part, not for all at once.
< Mini Effect Rework >
<> Dark Flattery (Dark Favor) is missing the "number of triggers" for each enemy.
<> Sciaphobia's keywords Block and Dodge have had their keyword color changed.
<> Savagery (Dark Favor) lacks a property for each foe that presents how much ATK it granted, so it can correctly be deducted.
<> Boredom (Dark Favor) description adjustment to show that caster is the one gaining the benefits, not the target. How this will be coded will be an issue.
<> Dora's Outburst (Dark Favor) has been buffed to vampirise HP from foes in range 2, rearranged description text and it no longer has the word "dmg", but has "damage" instead.
<> Dora's Outburst (Dark Favor, player version) had effect description rewritten to no longer have short form words. Rearranged text in the description box.
> Both of these abilities have been added the "Ends after trigger" effect as well to reflect their complete functionality.
<> Corrected Dora's Forsight (Debuff) description from "were" to "was".
<> Changed Impecable Defense's (Utility) description to portray that the profession archetype in it is that of the owner, not the attacker.
> Now this is also marked as a hidden effect.
<> Autophobia (Dark Utility) description change to remove a double word.
<> Chronophobia (Dark Utility) description changed to show that Dark Favors cast ON target (by anyone) last +1 rounds (and not any Dark Favor that target would cast themselves).
<> Nora's Unity (Utility) reworked to grant HP and Mana per ally in range. Removed the Nora-Aligned and Dora-Aligned mechanic, required adding Tags for each character (though I was intending to randomise those as well, but there was only 1 effect).
<> Exposed (Dark Utility) effect rewriting to be shorter and more coherent.
<> Calamity (Debuff) effect rewrite to also include vampiric healing.
<> Exposed (Debuff) effect rewrite.
<> Thorns (Buff) effect rewrite to show that it disregards all defenses instead of non-Shield.
<> Burn (Debuff) reworkto deal 22 Fire damage, as usual, but 14 on application and 8 on End Phase. This has removed the possibility for this to be useless if it were applied and removed before End Phase or chronologically before it could trigger End Phase effect.
> This is End Phase effect, not End / Removal effect.
<> Dummy (Dark Utility) effect changes. Same functionality, font increased from 10 to 11.
<> Intimidating (Buff) key word "Cannot"has been given the color it needed.
<> Defiled (Dark Favor) effect rewrite to remove all confusion. Reduced font size from 11 to 10. Now which effects affect "target" and which affect "caster" are now easily distinguishable.
<> Mind Siphon (Dark Favor) effect rewrite to show that it's applied on a foe since its writing was confusion: player could understand that caster could gain and stacks would be gained when dealing damage to its foes.
< Property Changes >
<> Arranging for an algorithm that will load all the COMMON character-specific properties into the correct characters that would spawn for the PBS battle.
> Algorithm seeks to do this so that each character event can now remove these properties, resulting in so much smaller Script lines in each Common Event specific to the characters.
> Massively reduced the number of properties to be written this way, plus, all of them being in 1 single place results in so much faster property additions, deletions or value replacements when changes happen (since no more need to copy paste from one character to another, which was way to tedious).
> Massively reduced the number of Global Variables used by characters for the Greater Foes' support abilities, now each character has 1 instead of 4, resulting in hundreds of them being freed.
> Each character now has 1 single Global Variable instead of 4 for ALL Greater Foes' support abilities. Since maximum of 6 enemies will be present, there will be only the corresponding properties loaded, which shouldn't create too many properties in the first place.
<> Replaced "Resistance" defensive ability with "Aegis", as per the name change.
<> Added properties for Pechtýrowicz Lapszún (Boss) in their .txt, adjusted their IDs to the correct Global Variables. They were present in the game, also corrected in there.
<> Shortened some property names and conducted these changes to the game's properties.
<!> Must move the Greater Foes' support properties to the common property loading algorithm.
> (deployed Global Variables 481 - 497).
<> Added Minor Effects' properties in the game, corrected a few value mistakes and mistypes, allowing for that to be minified successfully.
<> Added player's effects' properties as common character-specific properties for the algorithm.
<> Changed Shouts_disabled property, renamed it to "Voice_prohibited", which now disables the use of Shout and Hymn ability Types.
<> Created a new common specific property (will only be added to Peasant Male 1.1's txt file to save time) named "MindUse_prohibited) which disallows the use of Chant, Mantra and Meditation ability Types.
<> Added Holy Immunity as common specific property. Added to Peasant Male 1.1 as well.
<!> Added part of Illusionist's effects to minor foes as "allied effects" - must reminify the script and add it in the game <!>
A Journey through Consciousness - Modern Day Chapter / facing Alpha Nemesis
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Author | Annwfn |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | facing-alpha-nemesis, personal-battle-system, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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